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Everything posted by chew*

  1. thanks, working with crippled hardware atm......I had the same setup doing 445 before so I know this ram has seen better days
  2. Nor the only one with no rythm or smooth moves.......
  3. ahhh but the white dude is such a cornball in that video, he doesn't realize that yellow is street slang for gold.......so he actually says gold.
  4. Everything I do I do it big.
  5. oh yah and the UD7 video is coming soon............ :yepp: you know what it is.
  6. Nah, If anything crosshair will valid higher. Sent yah a PM on XS.
  7. whats diff a multiplier missing? the reason people are bitching is becasue of the stepping difference and nothing else....... No one is saying OMFG 550 has no multiplier adjustment its not fair to us..........
  8. just out of curiosity........ c3 is locked. c2 isn't. c3 is handicapped then imho........since it requires a little more work to get a score then just upping a multi................... Also 955 class is not seperated by c2 and c3 and c3 obviously spanks my c2 results even though mine were some of the best c2 955 scores........ I'm not crying over it, instead i just got a C3......... Oh an btw the box part # is diff on 955 c2 versus c3.
  9. Pro man the card is modded, needed it for faster 2d performance tweak.
  10. http://chew.ln2cooling.com/qdig-files/converted-images/Corsair%20GTX2/DI/lrg_gtx2%20DI%202350.jpg If your dropping channels back off RTL a notch.........I was at bclock limit of that board with HT and all cores on......sure it would have ran higher but I never shut cores/ht off for reviews.
  11. I said I would replace them personally with my set ya wimp . Anyway been very busy on this board. Now none of this is tuned ( its in vista ), currently the only goal is to pass 32m at max speed. 8 gig walls 2200 ish 4 gig walls 2200 ish hyper walls really early......saw the same thing on formula. Still exploring as to what could be the cause......ganged would allow me to go further, not really optimal however.... something strange happening here......especially considering I had to drop NB as this chip kinda sucks. Scaling just took off all of a sudden......... Albeit obviously not stable "yet" the trend continues with rather massive scaling at least for AMD.......
  12. No need to be anonymous. I was scanning recent events and I found this guy, can't tell who he is but he is clearly taking bribes to influence the outcome of a competition.
  13. If you didn't get an email aready you were probably not lucky.
  14. Correction, we will be benching 580 reference, other than that all hardware is as stated earlier.
  15. I can't talk about that or anything we may or may not do with unreleased hardware. All I can say is I know what hardware we are benching on for comp and the list in previous post is accurate.
  16. The system will be gulftown, xpower, lightning, patriot ram, I forget what PSU, antec I think......this is not a guess btw. It will not be sandybridge, be kinda hard for them to make results public with stuff under NDA...........
  17. That pin is not out of place, nor was it my doing, its a clean crack new out of box. I have higher res shots, took them right after i removed socket cover. click on pic again for full size. http://chew.ln2cooling.com/XS%20low%20clock/IMG_3142.JPG Whatever the case doesn't matter, I worked with board the way it was.
  18. "IT's" just what they bring. In your case IT better be a wallpaper though
  19. Hey now these driver were a pain to score on, 1100 almost got broken I blame it on the missing/broken pin my board came with right out of the box.....I snapped it the rest of way off and plodded on. I must say i totally expected socket to fry especially with a pin missing in the "danger" area. To my surprise, the socket remained uncharred after extensive abuse however there has been a device with trouble code 28 ever since i first posted board, no clue if it's related to pin.
  20. Thx, did the best i could with my 1 $129.99 ( on sale ) chip that I could afford months ago and only 30L of ln2 becausue I was broke. Special thx to Gautam and Movieman for the ln2.
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