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Everything posted by mickulty

  1. They're all the same clocks, except for the 210 which I think is actually a bit slower. Shouldn't be any benefit to the other models other than maybe a little easier to get hold of for some people in some situations, especially if someone wants a job lot to bin.
  2. 5450 would be good, they really are cheap as chips and seem to be widely available (think they were in production to relatively recently, might even still be made?). Could it perhaps also include the other Cedar rebrands? So 6350, 7350, 8350, and R5 210. That way there's more flexibility to maximise availability.
  3. that "system pic" still cracks me up
  4. Better if picking the wrong one makes it tell you off IMO
  5. I think relying on honour is fine - the idea is just to help prevent honest mistakes.
  6. Damn, is it not? Guess the score's invalid then, better take it down ?
  7. I agree, not making the mistake I made last time either... http://hwbot.org/submission/4007362 Bit late in the day for anything other than a very quick very dirty run on the daily but a sub is a sub. EDIT: I've been informed that the fourth gpu-z sensor tab isn't fully visible, so I guess I had better remove it
  8. If enough people bench with it, it's official.
  9. 9900K and 8086K are the same socket. Same for 6950X+5960X, 2990WX+1950X. Yos and unity are both trolling. Understandably. It's one thing to check for bad hardware combinations, but I don't think you can expect people to hold your hand and tell you that LGA2066 is also capable of very high BCLK in the same way 1151 is.
  10. Fastest score with specific cooling isn't a "world record", you might as well claim a world record for the fastest cinebench score by someone called mikegold10
  11. You mean before you raised Vcore like everyone else does, or before you delidded like everyone else does?
  12. HWBOT Premium: $4.99/week, account required to submit for all benchmarks except catzilla, ycruncher, XTU and VRMark.
  13. $1300 fee to be eligible for 3D globals, perhaps? Technically no different to the current system...
  14. Sorry, quick follow-up/afterthought - there was some suggestion before that socket was by board and not CPU, is this still the case? So for example (to pick the most annoying examples) a Crosshair IV with an FX-8150 would count as AM3, a Crosshair V with a sempron 145 would count as AM3+? Sorry to be awkward
  15. hypothetical example, not ideal hardware
  16. Ok so to be clear, does that mean bclk submissions could be; 1151v1 1151v2 AM3+ AM3 AM2+ AM2 ?
  17. It'll probably recalculate and lose us points too, leaving us below what we'd have had if other team members had filled in instead. It's not about esports points though, it's about the spirit of it and what we can do as a community without excluding people who also have their own projects. I'm proud of the openness of /r/oc and really glad we didn't have to leave people in the cold just because they aren't always giving us team points.
  18. Cheers, and grats on the well-deserved win. We'll get you next year
  19. Thanks for the work, must be a lot to pour through - I appreciate the effort you're putting in. Unless you delete any of our subs in which case you can sod off (JK)
  20. Thanks @Leeghoofd for a really fun competition. I think it's fair to say our second place (assuming rankings stay as they are at the point the comp closed) is a third in spirit, I know the rankings would look very different if you hadn't been so busy organising the competition for everyone else.
  21. Awesome work, amazed you found a DDR1 board that plays well with these old mobile chips.
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