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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. I don't see any harrassment going on here. This is a legitimate question, and to be honest you have to be pretty dumb if you can't see that posting nearly identical scores COULD cause people to ask questions. Sam's reasoning is also interesting.
  2. Trying to be funny:
  3. Ticket ID: 1489 Priority: Low http://hwbot.org/submission/2262148_chris_666_cpu_frequency_athlon_64_le_1640_%28lima%29_3646.07_mhz\r\n\r\nIt\'s the business class edition of this chip, not the regular one.
  4. I think we should leave the whole "remove score" discussion, as it won't happen - at least with Andre's result (unless there are mods around here who actually believe that the implied importance of order in the benchmark main window is enough to start pulling results). I don't remember if there are other flaws with the other one, but if it's only about the order there too, then that one will stand. Much better to just discuss if this rule change is really needed or not.
  5. Perhaps it's a good idea to add the order to the rules, it's better if it's included in the HWBot file after all.
  6. So, which score is cheated or photoshopped?
  7. OK, the benchmark window says you should open the tabs first. It still doesn't say that any other order is not allowed. What the benchmark window says is not a part of the official HWBot rules unless this is very clear.
  8. Sounds alot like MVP to my ears - the basic idea is that some stuff that is supposed to be rendered isn't, because it's not necessary to render that part to produce the frame.
  9. I dont see how you can compare a submission without a screenshot to one that has one that actually meets the requirements:confused: Because that's indeed the case, there is nothing about order in the rules. We can't expect a regular user to know such details if it doesnt say so anywhere.
  10. I don't see the problem with the score made by Andre Yang, there is a screenshot there that shows all the tabs and the benchmark window, no? I do agree that the top scores should have 100% correct screenshots unless there are VERY good reasons to make an exception ("i forgot" does not count).
  11. I don't think the benefit will so big that you'd have to wait 3-4 generations to get better scores without MVP. Maybe the MVP "bonus" equals about one generation. That's my guess so far. We shouldn't think of all those if's and but's, what if FM is bankrupt in June? Then no more support for any 3DMark/PCMark version. Is that a valid reason not to add new benchmarks? ************************* I feel alot of the reasons people post in this thread are either irrelevant or have been ignored in the past for other benchmarks. it would be much better if we just said "OK, we have no good reason to not allow it, but it's what the users want" instead of trying to find excuses that make no sense at all:D
  12. That's kinda my answer too. We don't benefit from much, only thing I can think of is new, popular benchmarks (= more hits), so if you can't find a gain for HWbot, it's quite normal:p
  13. Well, there's no gain in allowing LOD, and a bunch of other tweaks either. A bunch of your points are also not that good, for example, 3/4-way 01 scores are slower than 2-way + singlecard. That was never an argument against 01. Limited support os also not that relevant, as it will work on a bunch of different generations. no support for G80 etc is irrelevant, it's the same as saying that like 3DMark11 is shit because it wont run on ancient GPUs at all. I don't see why we have to know that this software will be updated for generation after generation. if this software is available, then it is, and if they won't update it after 2 years or something, then so be it. It's not a big deal. Then we just don't have MVP subs for those generations. CPu dependancy is also not that relevant, this should be about principles, not if some people don't like that the GPU is less important for 3D if this software is allowed. Would it be OK if this software made all benchmarks 100% GPU dependant? We also have refresh rate dependant benchmark today, although not as dependant as n this case. Still, I dont see the issue as long as the refresh rate isnt stupid (like 10Hz). 55Hz is fair, and IMO anything at 25Hz and above.
  14. Isn't it enough to just close it, and all similar threads that may pop up about the same thing? It just feels like sensorship when it's deleted. Like the content is "dangerous" to someone. Speaking as as XS user, though... don't want to mix my roles here, as a HWBot moderator it's not my job to tell you how to moderate at XS:p +1 to the Coolaler stuff, I wonder if anything will happen there...
  15. I hope he gets whoever he can get, regular guy or big boss. Kids/family or not, you still have to face the consequences of what you do - and all of these guys KNOW that the screens they post are not OK to show to the public.
  16. What sort of numbers do you get using a high RPM fan on the sticks? I wonder what sort of gains you get more than the actualy numbers:)
  17. Glad we're not XS... thread not "appropriate" - delete delete delete. business as usual.
  18. I kicked a pot off a DFi Expert once, while running at -70 because chkdsk deleted my desktop with about 50 screenshots:p CPU survived, but the socket broke:D
  19. OK, I think CN is gay. Pictures of the Enermax stand without the girls - that's TOO nerdy:D
  20. I think we need to ask Flank3r to change his nickname now. I heard the awesome nick "Christian Ney" is available:)
  21. Glad I got to meet a few of you guys I wonder if I met some of the Italians without saying hello, though (shook hands with Hiwa at least!) I wonder if anyone took photos of me running (aka pouring) Nick's rig at the ASRock scene:p
  22. I can confirm there will be a strike. Luckily I go there by car anyway:D Silly request, but could any of you guys give me a pair of small anti static bags or plastic boxes for memory sticks? I'm a bit short, and I could use a few...
  23. I was thinking about the Besi pot too when I read that Even a noob like me knows about it.
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