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Everything posted by knopflerbruce

  1. Is POM more expensive than the other options?
  2. When i saw you commented on this i knew it wasn't a "hooray" comment:p It's an existing series at least:D
  3. It's better than I thought, but not ideal anyway. What's sad is that so many free keys are thrown away. maybe we should collect them here and give them away for free. Then you get both ORB funcionality with legit keys, and the cost is zero:) THEN it would be easier to do this. I also suggest that FM benchmarks that are retired are available as pro versions for free. At the moment you get no ORB funcionality, but you still pay $15 for a 3dmark03 key... that makes no sense.
  4. OK, so it's easy to fix this? What's the problem exactly? I know I have a few like this, too.
  5. I don't think asking for ORB link to all top 20 scores in each HW category is something we should do. These licenses are not free, and adding this rule to the categories with 50 points for 1st place also means we have to do the same for the ones where the top score has 2 points, which is way overkill. Most of the sers post here because it's free. If you need a license in most cases, then it's not free anymore.
  6. I wish I could comment, but I have very little experience with these cards. He did provide some sort of proof when similar questions were asked about some other submission. It does look too good to be true, though.
  7. Yep. So you have to make new subs from now on instead of updating the old ones:D
  8. The reason there are more 5900 chips could be that the people who ran their 5900 chips are waiting for ivy, and then decided to sell their stuff to make some nice $$$
  9. I had an issue with IE9 not installing on one setup, but i don't think I ever solved it. So.. you're not alone... but it was just on that one system. Where's IE10?
  10. The best would be if you add a ticket to the helpcenter here: http://hwbot.org/forum/helpcenter.php
  11. Ultra-D:D I don't have space for all my dead HW, so I usually throw it out every now and then. Must have killed a dozen DFI nf4 boards...
  12. I don't really see the need for it, either. Not sure it's even possible... at least without alot of work (like deleting all subs one by one).
  13. Tried to increase the pcie frrequency a little bit? Just to see if the issue is related to that.
  14. This is so fail. I almost want to bench alot of stuff so PURE can be #1 until this bug is fixed:D
  15. MASSMAN!!!! There should be one:D How about most bugged maxxmem score?
  16. Is IC7-MAX3 just as fragile?
  17. Thanks for the iometer advice, I guess I have to learn to use that program then none of you ever tried raid0 on the nf4 controller, did you? I've slipstreamed a bunch of drivers, and i get a 0x0000007B error, which inciated a problem with the storage drivers. Works on the SIl3114 chip, but that one is SATA I, and I don't think it scores better than a single SSD on the nf4 controller lol.
  18. That's true, and I know it. Most engineering samples don't end up on ebay, though - that's just a few of many. I'm pretty sure that most people who used 980x engineering samples before SB was released didn't get them from ebay.
  19. And "980X" A0 ES chips were NOT equal to retails (2.4 and 3.06GHz stock speeds vs 3.33 for 980x retail) - for example. Plus, engineering samples often have different revisions from retails, which is also something that separates them from the ones you find in stores. I think it's fair to do it this way, it separates the sponsored guys from the average overclockers, which is what we want to do anyway. If you have access to a bunch of current generation ES chips, then you belong to the pro league anyway. One thing i wonder is if you get like an IB ES now, but no such ES when next gen is here (IBE). Could you ask to be moved back to the OC league when the new chips are launched?
  20. At the moment i'm just running 4x m4's on ICH9R:p I think I get about 265 or so uncrippled, but not sure if the CPu speed is high enough for that to be the real limit of the storage configuration.
  21. What's the easiest way to cripple xp startup+ Trying to run dual spi2m on a dual core, but it's a PITA. Also tried to create txt files using FSUTIL, but also a PITA to do (neither of these two methods are accurate).
  22. Need new thread title:o
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