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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. Hopefully I'll find out when I can get some ln2!
  2. Yes since the idea of the comp is you don't need a super powerful cpu/mb/mem setup etc as the gpu is so limiting. So sure you can spend money on extra cooling, but the cost of entry should be very low.
  3. Argh nightmare! I've definitely installed 8.1 whilst cold on more than one occasion haha
  4. Removed, as Matt said, not obeying any of the contest rules.
  5. Should get a boost from 8.1 I would have thought if you rerun, great work :)
  6. As far as I'm aware core disabling has never been allowed for competitions like this and I don't think this time is any different I'm afraid.
  7. Thanks, and yeah Z170M, been doing some ambient stuff recently as I don't have anything cold at the moment :( first time I've run a bunch of cards/benches
  8. Great work, always nice to see a name from the past come back
  9. https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/x399_phantom_gaming_6/
  10. Not many forum mods that could actually do anything about it sadly.
  11. I approve, have yet to exercise mine ??
  12. Dibs biostar boards.
  13. Do you collate scores anywhere public or purely personal? Also @K404 should be noted for his bit score drops where he'd submit a bunch of scores done over a period of months in one go ?
  14. Doesn't the AA settings being changed also count as modifying the benchmark settings? Haven't really done much modern 3D so will have to check.
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