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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. Titans will rule the DDR4 stage unless I've misunderstood?
  2. GeorgeStorm

    i9 7920x

    As above, looking to sell as I don't really get on with the platform. Been used a handful of times cold, you can see subs on my profile, 5.5 r15 wasn't too hard, could boot at 5.8, but couldn't run pifast at any speed so clearly I was doing something wrong. Has been delidded. Looking for £650 630 580 including shipping to the EU. Thanks, George Edit: Updated Warranty info and added name Added 7350k, 7700k to be added later. 7350k - £80 + shipping Results for all chips on my profile.
  3. Oh no!? Had friends who had similar situations but it was x265 that tended to be the culprit, worked fine, ended the session, come back next day to 00 (
  4. Great work, although could you slow down? I need to get a Coffee asap :D
  5. How much extra load would it be to have another sanity checker, comparing scores to those ranked above and ensuring points don't increase or something? @richba5tard
  6. Not that I'm biased at all, but just want to check, with regards to XOC, how does the HP45 compare to the i45?
  7. I'd guess not since it doesn't show mem speed, or mobo model? Also covers part of the render Edit: Didn't read properly
  8. I agree, hence why it would be worth editing the rules/example screenshot to demonstrate this to avoid potential confusion/more pointless reports.
  9. Whilst he came across as he often does, I think adjusting the rules to show ranking doesn't need to be shown is sensible. (since it's not enforced)
  10. Interesting, not something I remember having issues with (using EP45-UD3P). Will keep an eye out next time I'm doing 775.
  11. When I've seen scores 'disappear' I've normally been able to find them using the full manual search tool on hwbot (even if they didn't show up on my profile/in the rankings) and then recalculate, just some general advice for others in a similar situation for something to try
  12. Bugged nature I'm afraid, you can tell from the high fps and gpuz showing 0mhz is another hint.
  13. Keep up the good work, those Australian winters really are cold! :D
  14. Great chip, sort os and stuff and you'll be flying!
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