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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. Haha well this OS has been used on multiple systems and I need to get rid of past screenshots more regularly. I think there are some c2d scores in there haha. Thanks, hopefully it'll continue
  2. This board has plastidip in the socket (due to my own idiocy) and required some pin wiggling to get the 8700k to post with dual channel when I first tried it, so I had kind of assumed/resigned myself to the fact that it was a bit borked, but thought I'd have a final go with my old pot before looking for a replacement. Glad I did Will hopefully do some more this week, think the chip should have a little more to give and see how mem clocking goes.
  3. I could be mistaken, may have just been for a comp or something, but I think that's a new general rule. @Leeghoofd ?
  4. Great score, but looks like the screen has been cropped which isn't allowed anymore I believe.
  5. Just so you know for the future, you can both edit and delete your own submissions
  6. I think that's kind of the point It can boost points for members of teams thanks to non actual team members.
  7. Would still have the issue of me getting my friend, neighbour and cousin twice removed submitting
  8. Screenshot should be of the whole screen, not cropped. Also your R15 sub part of the render is covered.
  9. Was thinking about this earlier, when creating a new thread from a comment, couldn't the url of the score be automatically added as the first line of the first post? Would have thought that would be relatively simple to implement, but I've no idea how the invision plugins work. Edit: Looks great in the threads, but doesn't fit the activity feed very well, any chance of reducing the size of the preview/removing it from the activity feed? (great work though! :D) Edit edit: Aaaand by the time I edited the post you'd already done it
  10. Why would it start before the team cup finishes?
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