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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. But you're already competing with those people, everyone competes with everyone? You can filter the rankings to only include certain types of cooling if you want to, change leagues/league names doesn't change the number of points people have relative to each other. If you were 2nd in apprentice league, you'd still be 2nd out of people just using 'apprentice' cooling even if the apprentice league was no longer a thing, just that ranking wouldn't appear on your profile, just the overall ranking no?
  2. Because one of the main issues with the league split is verifying the cooling, and since if you can't verify the cooling, it nullifies the point of the league split. Maybe if all achievements were changed from xth position in league to xxxx points people wouldn't mind? If you're improving your points and your overall position, why does it matter if it's out of a small subset or the total group?
  3. When I used my SS for the first time I was put in extreme, competing against LN2 etc, obviously I had no chance, but I was still improving my own ranking. Your points won't change, just everyone will be ranked together (excluding elite). Depends how much people care about being #1 in Enthusiast/Apprentice etc, rather than just being compared to everyone, and which matters more, rank or number of points.
  4. From memory, there were 2/3 leagues when I joined (extreme and not, and then maybe sponsored). When I came back there were suddenly many more, whilst I understand it to a degree, as others have said, proving cooling is a nightmare, and probably causes more issues than it solves. I do think it might be nice keeping the novice/rookie league, as a way for new members to have a more granular/relevant ranking.
  5. I swear that idea has been put forward multiple times in this thread But yes please.
  6. Recalc didn't work so removed the offending subs.
  7. Please don't upload incorrect rig pics as it only confuses things, scores look ok to me, but it would stop these kind of reports in the future.
  8. True, but the argument I was saying was if you ran it 8.2 this year, you beat them, but since you didn't beat your best ever it wouldn't count? Unless I'm misunderstanding how the points would be calculated in which case ignore me
  9. The point of the example was the idea that it wouldn't work like that That since User A had better scores in the past, he would get nothing despite beating User B this 'season;
  10. I think the potential issue would be in the (very unlikely) situation that user a has 10 old records, and user b subs 10 new 2nd place scores, user a could sub 10 scores that were all better than user b's, but not quite better than their old scores, and they would get nothing whilst user b would get everything. And whilst this isn't an issue in one way, it doesn't represent how 'good' someone is doing in a season type thing, as they're always being compared to their best, whereas in a normal seasonal ranking, you're just compared to others in that season I would think?
  11. I meant there's no need to simplify, by which you massively reduce the importance of hwpoints as people have pointed out If you're set on going this direction, then I feel you really need to reduce the value of globals to be closer to hw points.
  12. I would think having Team and Country rankings using the same logic makes sense. But I still don't really see the issue with slight differences between career and season individual ranking, I've managed to explain the current/previous ranking to my parents who have 0 interest and they seemed to understand, can't be that complicated
  13. I would think so but I'm not 100% sure how the comp rankings work hah. I can remove his 2700x score if desired.
  14. Removing globals completely from career makes them even more elite focused, as they normally require the biggest expenditure, and if they only count for a year then are worthless fewer are going to be willing to compete, meaning even more bias towards those who might get stuff for free/some kind of support. If globals are considered too big, then surely just adjust the max available, so it's less of an issue? If hwpoints had a limit of 50 (and now various depending on bench), why not the same for globals, make the max 100, or even 50, a global 1st place could still get double a hw 1st place which is worth it no?
  15. This highlights an issue that has been around forever with hwbot, do you rewards width or height so to speak. The hw masters ranking in theory should cover the width, those members who bench a wide range of hw, rather than focusing in on a smaller popular selection. For some, benching a huge range of hw is the more impressive, for others getting 5 top scores >>>>> 1000s of subs, so in theory you should have best of both worlds with normal and hw master rankings. Also team shouldn't be seasonal, if anything the teamcup naturally acts as a seasonal team ranking. For active benchers, season and career shouldn't be that different surely? Since they'll bench new stuff for globals, and also rebench older stuff possibly with new hw in combination (new cpus with older gpus) in order to improve their hw subs. Keeping globals in the career is a nice balance to me, as it rewards active benchers, but doesn't mean you completely lose out if you're no longer active, but you will slowly slip down the rankings. Also still think comp points have no place in the career ranking, thought we were heading towards older hwbot, aren't comp points a new thing? (at least I don't remember them being around when I joined), competition points are naturally suited to a seasonal ranking as they lose points after a year anyway. Edit: Career: Top 20 global + Top 40 HW Seasonal: Top 30 subs + Top 10 Comp (all during that 'season') Numbers can be adjusted obviously, but to me this is a nice balance.
  16. I believe it looks even worse than it is as that ranking is based on the 'season' ranking, and so only subs from this year go towards it. If the two rankings go ahead, then on all the rankings (national, team etc) there should be the option to easily switch between career and season.
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