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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. B-die is a type of memory chip manufactured by Samsung I believe, and 'good' kits are capable of 4k+ and 12-12-12 or tighter.
  2. Sorry to hear you feel that way, it does look like the competition is open to members of all leagues. There are other competitions you'll be able to enter that are limited to just new members, and then plenty of stuff to learn and overclock that aren't in competitions at all
  3. Rauf you have to have a general rule, trying to judge and draw the line on each cpu individually would be next to impossible. ES vs retail is just yet another hurdle that the non elite has to jump over, one I think isn't actually as big as the fact that top guys will bin/be given binned chips potentially out of hundreds, which means no average joe can compete no matter how hard they try. On cheap cpus this is less of an issues, but when you're talking about chips costing 1000usd+ then it puts it into the same kind of area as guys who work at datacenters subbing with stuff that no 'normal' person could ever buy. Just my opinion on why a lot of people dislike Elite (I'm personally not that bothered)
  4. He could just have a better chip than you
  5. It's actually just laziness/they don't want people to know the speed they were running at.
  6. Well I don't know what all of your settings are, but if you increase the speed/decrease your timings of your mem that should help.
  7. Haha that was partially my mentality! Obviously I've spent very little time with the chip (tested on air for 2 mins to see what fsb it failed at and then a couple of hours on LN2), but I get the feeling his chip is faster, and the fact he's on a DDR3 board means I'd have an even harder task!
  8. One could argue since not allowing xeons in competitions? Or even since having any kind of competition.
  9. Fair enough I assumed it would probably be both My knowledge of tweaks etc is very limited, I'll try to do some more research before I run this next time The OS is the Perica_barii XP, but I have used it on multiple systems because I'm lazy so I guess it's lost a lot of any efficiency it once had.
  10. Thanks, was just a random chip, only one I have. That doesn't surprise me, efficiency has never been my forte hah. It's definitely something I'll be trying to beat next session (if I can get the chip to work at those speeds again!) Software or mem causing it do you reckon?
  11. Thanks! Didn't spend too long playing about as the jump to 3rd is quite a bit, not sure how much extra I could get from chip/mem in terms of speed. Run was with no wazza because I only had one partition on the drive
  12. As a general rule I'm on your side, but it's not really Intel doing it as far as I'm aware, as Splave mentioned it's actually motherboard manufacturers who are supporting various overclockers and possibly providing them with cpus etc.
  13. Nice score and that is one good looking setup!
  14. I believe Dragon took it
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