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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. Had a go on Friday night with it and couldn't get anything different, a couple of the bioses caused gpuz etc to display 0mhz and the hof nvvdd not to pick up a gpu at all, but others acted the same with being able to open but not able to change any voltages/load line (basically the top portion of the software)
  2. So it seems I have a V1 card based on some mod pictures, and it's had the power monitoring disabled via the recommended mod, along with the power via PCIE connectors. Other than that it looks 'normal' to me
  3. It's a relatively recent rule due to some issues in the past.
  4. If a full re-calc is happening, I'd definitely recommend stopping subs during that time as a minimum to try and reduce load, but still allow people to check scores etc, or even pull the site completely for a short while if it would dramatically speed up the re-calc.
  5. Not personally, and I do agree it seems weird to disable them for 06 but not other legacy that are cpu limited as well (don't get me wrong I really like legacy as the nostalgia hit is huge so I'm not suggesting we remove the others!)
  6. Great to see you trying DI, definitely think it'll help in 2d, 3d is a bit more tricky (speaking as someone who has only just started trying to do cold 3d)
  7. For 3d benchmarks yes, only the 'active' component matters (cpu for 2d, gpu for 3d)
  8. I was thinking of subs that are getting incorrect points rather than not ranked at all (lots with incorrect globals, and some with incorrect hw)
  9. So is the whole database being recalculated or will people have to hit the button on incorrect subs? I've seen lots of subs that are incorrect, hopefully it's not up to each user to correct?
  10. Yeah just wanted to say more of my subs are correct now (I did do a couple of individual recalcs, mainly to double check as some were given points that were *almost* correct). Definitely heading in the right direction
  11. Shorter term pain for long term gain? (in terms of survive the wave of people moaning about not being able to sub for hopefully a short period of time rather than a longer period of people moaning about wrong points)
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