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Everything posted by Splave

  1. how many sticks did u try? Also for future we post SPD and mobo tab too I'm sure you will get a better run if you keep trying. Keep pushing!
  2. Thanks for using the big board I'll keep using the smallie
  3. Doug told me how thanks Doug! He told me to tell everyone to pm him that wants to know how.
  4. Crazy CPU. Seems like difference between golden k and normal k
  5. You will need to buy allot to do 4000 c12. 1 out of 20 here
  6. Splave

    FS: Classic GPU's

    Shipping not included please pm what you'd like and I will calculate it for you. Will discount for mulitple items. GTX 580 Lightning $125 GTX 580 Lightning $125 5870 Lightning $125 3 x ASUS 5850 TOP DCU $50 each 3 x 5870's Original PCB $70 each 1 x 5870 ASUS V2 $110 ASUS 3870 $25 ASUS 4890 TOP $80 x850 $10 3870 $15 5850 Volt modded no cooler $50 Proof pic
  7. GONE thanks
  8. $100 shipped USA gots ta go
  9. LET Insulated motherboard never got around to trying on ln2. LET layer is very thick and peelable I just dont have the time to remove it. Works perfect on air. Thus will sell it super cheap. Board and All Accessories $175 shipped USA Message for international shipping options.
  10. Early Morning PI for breakfast All Air 1.800vDIMM
  11. have to sell some of my bitcoins lol
  12. hey random just a heads up the big ocf hits a wall with 1t around 3600 use 2t for now until it gets sorted. Binned the retails at 3866mhz in far slot 12-12-12-28-2t-220. 1.71 and 1.72 on the best of 8. I think 2 were doa wtf?
  13. no backup lol I can run full pot but no go any higher I think the cache is the limit
  14. It's good enough, I'd buy that no problem
  15. this maybe a possibility
  16. I'll send u three on monday
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