hey man good effort but I dont think an unwazzaed pi run alone is good indicator of performance. I can go up and down a full second running back to back also without wazza who knows if you sat in windows for 5 minutes before you ran etc will affect it.
you can see when comparing some things that your ARM is lower and your result is slower VS two different timing sets.
maybe try wazzaed runs for more consistency of the result or add XTU / Aida as well.
@ hiding third timings, why give away all hard work man? you obviously spend alot of time on mems. Giving away the goose is not going to make more people want to overclock. You see a guy like barbonet or bullant learning by doing is the people we want in OC not more people that want a hand out and will use your timings for a little while then quit. We want the passion of learning to generate our populous here. Thats why I have no issue keeping your cards close to the chest on that matter. In your own experience did you just copy peoples subtimings or did you try them all and find which helps performance etc which has lead you to where you are?
This is tricky testing only on ASUS as well as we all know the design is different is also affecting the efficiency of these boards which is why they need 4 dimms to be installed to keep up with 2 dimms on ASRock.
I know for a fact tWRWR_DR tWRWR_DD on ASRock lower is better, its one of the biggest secrets at launch for its efficiency. When anyone PMs me for XTU help on ASRock that is what I tell them and 100% all of them have come back and said WOW what a huge difference.
good effort