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Everything posted by Splave

  1. The guy flew in and broke a bunch of records overnight then was gone in like a month. I think he was a rock star too or something like that lol anyone know where he ended up ?
  2. Splave

    Computex 2016

    Shamizu from Japan that likes cats, not Shamino from Taiwan that doesnt like cats as much
  3. Splave

    Computex 2016

    The legend in the flesh!
  4. Splave

    Computex 2016

    add me Bullant and Shamizu
  5. if they did that I think more like $175-200
  6. saving precious hard disk space mate
  7. Splave


    The original bench table.... Its called table, totally open source
  8. $75 - $100 Id think is fair. I find that the withdrawl device wastes alot of ln2 even on my 50L I just use a foam top now and pour it
  9. $121
  10. I was wondering if they staff appreciates reported submissions or are they annoyed by them?
  11. not sure if fish eye lens
  12. I have one Q3FE you can try
  13. Retail sample will be here at end of the week! All issues solved
  14. Strange, ratio is correct but maybe cpuz bug?
  15. was going to ask if we could extend the timer to sunday night american time (merica) but I suppose thats pointless we can bench all week and just sub at the weekend
  16. sorry I was trying too hard too be funny
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