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Everything posted by Splave

  1. FYI OC Panels pre VIII mobos are 1's PCB rev 2.02 = 1 If you mess up the flash by trying to flash it to a 2 model accidentally, then restart with SATA power attached and the OS will find it again to flash proper FW. Also RSVD on air accidentally will show 00 as well, cpu not dead. (derp)
  2. In apex 00 02 code from pushing mem too hard? Maybe IMC? What is the process for using retry thanks
  3. Nice prices up
  4. Microwave for 3 minutes on popcorn setting if possible
  5. Timespy is a good one to check mem stability and score scaling. When your score stops raising then u either dont need more mem MHz or your mem is unstable.
  6. Yes I scratch it off for real.
  7. lapping my pot and IHS helped cracking which seems strange if the crack is between die and IHS....either way its worth doing. Also remove the glue on kaby, it hurts mhz if you dont. the glue will never be correct once the ihs is removed anyways
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