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Everything posted by thebanik

  1. Ask for the link, most of the hanky panky going on would be shown in the link.......
  2. Nice CPU Allen........Great benching.....
  3. Hopefully that is true. Here, I got the GD80 and a half decent 3770K yesterday only, but my LN2 supplier failed to deliver, Did one test with only 3-4 Ltrs of LN2, all of which went into just pulling down the temp. Today I will get 7970 Lightning. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  4. Awesome, simply awesome.....Thanks a lot W1zzard........
  5. Yup even the base on which they have placed the mobo, the fan, the insulation, the pots, sata cable are same.....
  6. Trying for the last few hours but not able to submit......400 Bad Request Error
  7. Still waiting for parts to arrive. If I do not, then mostly will submit on air and hope that get into Top 15. Asia is the haven of Developing countries, so nothing available here it seems,
  8. Awesome Ram and Efficiency Allen, great work,
  9. I can say that I have not bought anything used in MOA, though frankly because I do not have 2000$ for each of the pre-binned component required to win the competition.
  10. Still awaiting CPU as well as Lightning, enroute they are. Hopefully will get them before elimination date,
  11. I have talked directly to Intel India Marketing team and MSI India Marketing head and there is nothing there, which can be bought. Intel did send around 50 chips earlier around a month ago which were grabbed and sold out within a day/few minutes at retail stores. Next lot would come only by month end. MSI asked distri to order atleast 10 Lightnings and distri was not ready to do that, so neither Review Samples were sent out to India nor any Sales items. Though ofcourse ebay/forum sales are their for me and anyone else interested here. Ofcourse that increases costs by a gud margin and no binning but this hobby as we all know is costly.
  12. lol, I guess you are right, Andre is the binning king,
  13. OMG!!!!!!!1 Monster clocks, awesome score, if you dont mind me asking Vince, how many GPUs did you bin to get this one?????
  14. [OT] Hey Jarnis, just wanted to know if Kaarlonen works with you guyz???? If a celebrity was working alongside me I could not have stopped myself from blushing whole day, lol........ [/OT]
  15. Aus sucks, Its much better here in India, , Distris never ordered Lightning, so no stock, ETA from Intel for 3770K is July 1st Week. MSI GD65/GD80 is not available though they would be here within this week is what I am told.
  16. Because great overclocking capabilities are in its 'Gene',
  17. Amazing contest in the EMEA region......Was really thrilling to keep a tab on the daily new WR's. Congratulations to all the winners and good work all the participants....
  18. Wow awesome score and a great way to secure your position in the final.......
  19. Lol, no 3770K and Lightning available in India, but I know the rules, country availability does not matter,
  20. Till a few years ago these comps used to be closed to normal overclockers and only being a invite only competition, even then we (overclockers) used to have problems, and now that its open we still complain. So what should be done???? Make these competitions again for only Pro-Overclockers???? Though even I have a problem, and that is the prizes, that should be higher, some1 earning 6th & 7th Position in the continent (or 2) should not be handed over just a motherboard IMO, Many would say they do not participate to Win paltry prizes but glory or other such fascinating things but I believe atleast better prizes for the next few should be done which was the case earlier.
  21. Awesome work and chip Christian, I guess Intel heard all the complaints about how SB was very easy to overclock, hence they made it hard this time around for the enthusiasts,
  22. My god, European Leg is going way too strong....Great score Tolsty...Australians have not joined the party yet though...God knows what they are cooking as well......
  23. OMG!!!!!! OMG!!!!! I call for ban, how can he disable benchmark tessellation settings. Seriously on hwbot, we should all run Stock Clocks and settings, that will be the actual comparison......BTW how the hell did you figure it out??? You are a real genius
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