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Everything posted by thebanik

  1. Damn nice, specially since its on an Asrock board. If only they start having good retail presence.....
  2. Wow, damn nice.......Thanks for your efforts Massman,
  3. on which board allen??? Asus or MSI???
  4. I guess there is some mistake on his behalf....Validation is for 39XX Mhz, , and hicookie asked to delete the thread.....
  5. How many over 8500 Mhz FX chips have you seen????
  6. There is simply no comparison between the 2 chips. One hits 8.55Ghz, another 9.1Ghz. Difference of 600Mhz. And if you see the video, that will redefine the word 'easy' for overclockers.
  7. Thats all I, as a general hwbot user wanted to hear, that the admins have atleast tried,
  8. Any pictures of Liquid Helium???? Its so easy to get Liquid Helium in Malaysia???
  9. Nobody said its Massman/hwbot responsibility to provide it to contestants. But what I/others have said is that its sort of their responsibility to check with MSI about how to get the software in the right hands to keep the playing field fair.
  10. QFT As Iron said, if MSI denies your request (or has already denied) then I guess it becomes individual participants responsibility to get hold of the software but you should atleast try and get hold of the right contact (and you know its not that hard) who can authorize you to distribute the software through PM or likes OR Deny you to become such a middle man and ask you to provide the right contact person within MSI to participants OR to say no to such requests straightaway But your earlier response was more like shrugging off the responsibility that you hold as hwbot/MOA Admin.
  11. So you reckon which fair competition overclockers should join????
  12. Now now, is that an indication to your sexual preference, Awesome clocks ksin, damn nice chip. I am sure AMD would be more than willing to sponsor Helium for benching such a CPU,
  13. Since you are the liaison between MOA participants/hwbot and MSI, shouldnt it automatically become your responsibility to get AB extreme for the participants to make the competition fair to all who do not have direct contact with MSI????? What I feel, you are currently saying is, its not your responsiblity, And its your(interested participants) choice whether you want to participate in the competition or not. P.S. I do have access to AB Extreme and to MSI representative, but if I did not, then I really would have felt grossly being treated unfair.
  14. lol....Never have seen any retail shop in India selling ECS mobos. It would be an easy competition it seems. There would be only 3-4 users on ECS mobos anyways,
  15. AFAIR for the last 2 years, MSI has tied up with Futuremark as well for a Global Competition with 2 or so seats to MOA(Maybe its 3 this time)
  16. Killed mine, due to my stupidity. Left the Power on, after a disappointing session. Currently soaking in Rice for the last few days....Maybe will test out today. But ofcourse Intel can not do anything about the above stupidity.
  17. My only complain is that whenever a competition comes to hwbot, the prize pool become negligent.....I wonder why???? MOA has been known to compensate well winners of specific country/continent but do not know whether its the recession or something else which is the cause of the drop in prizes..... PS. Please feel free to move the thread if this is not the right thread to discuss it.
  18. Because he has already explained it, he likes the sensation
  19. Though ofcourse since you guys are being honest we/I should not be asking any noobish questions but benching together for a competition where is the test of skills in there???? Only 1 guy needs to figure out the settings, tweaks, mobo behavior (these can be shared online as well, but not everything can be passed on online) and everyone else will have to figure out just their individual CPU and GPU quirks (but then thats not a biggie I guess) Ah well, Not that I can blame you guys, you have the option, sadly in India no1 else is playing LN2,
  20. Man....these Ivy's eat a lot of LN2......This was just at -100C but raising the volts to 1.8 for some 6.4 or so which seemed possible, crashed after getting into windows.......LN2 was almost over while trying to get it to -150C.......So hopefully next weekend.....
  21. Wow!!!! awesome frequency and interesting choice of platform
  22. Hehehehehe, just for supporting the contest, can someone from APAC region submit score, . Also we all know how hard it is to apply hardware sharing rule, how are we going to do it with Mobo, Ram and HDD????
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