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Everything posted by xxbassplayerxx

  1. Did you ever list the batch for the 5960X? I would expect much higher clocks on LN2, even at these temperatures. Many can get 4.7-4.9 stable on air. So 140° colder should yield reasonably higher clocks. Most 5960X are capable of at least 5.4-5.5 fully stable. Generally, chips don't become unstable as the temperatures creep down, they just have a temperature point at which they stop functioning altogether. My only thought is that because you haven't insulated, some of the cold may be creeping towards the other IC's on the board that may have much higher cold bug temperatures and causing those to crash.
  2. Don't think there's a chance unless you're using the LN2 board. I don't know of anyone who was even able to do 3000C11 or 3200C12 with this board. It just doesn't do extremely tight memory
  3. Well... I guess it's time to break out my EPower
  4. Crusty, any chance at just doing a reverse trim pot mod? Is there a VSense pin or anything like that? A bit busy today but I may try to look into it.
  5. Great info. I was using 300/100 for skews but I was only booting at 610 last night since I was using the 10x multiplier. What kind of settings are you using for nb DDRVref?
  6. You can solder them together or use conductive ink to connect them!
  7. Check here: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=151452
  8. Not sure about the UK vendors, but here are the sticks FS in the US: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232219&cm_re=G.Skill_3200-_-20-232-219-_-Product http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232231&cm_re=G.Skill_3200-_-20-232-231-_-Product http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232207&cm_re=G.Skill_3200-_-20-232-207-_-Product http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232217&cm_re=G.Skill_3200-_-20-232-217-_-Product http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232229&cm_re=G.Skill_3200-_-20-232-229-_-Product http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232205&cm_re=G.Skill_3200-_-20-232-205-_-Product You can use part numbers from those to search!
  9. Wow... even faster Will it ever hit production?
  10. Hey everyone, I got the chance to bench this board again last night and had some decent results. I spent most of my time working on frequency for 1M. I was able to pass at 6400 three times but every time, it crashed while opening CPU-Z. Efficiency is way off and it's definitely something I need to work out. To hit max clocks, I have to use PL=15 and memory on Auto. As soon as I try to set those manually, the board stops booting. I didn't spend much time on CPU-Z but I think with a little time and effort, this chip could validate 6.6GHz or so. [hwbot=3110787]submission[/hwbot] [hwbot=3110785]submission[/hwbot] [hwbot=3110788]submission[/hwbot] @crustytheclown, you mentioned a reverse PLL mod to allow me to lower voltages beyond the 1.51V that is currently the lowest setting in BIOS. Is this documented anywhere? I'd love to lower the CB as it is currently -158°C, with CBB at -145°C. Getting closer to C2D full pot benching :cheers: As an update, this is what my settings were: 610 x 10 - raise to 635/640 in Windows 266 Strap PCI-E - 110 Memory all auto Twister - Lighter PL - 15 vPLL - 1.51V VTT/FSB Term - 1.600 vNB - 1.80V vCore - 1.90V Spread Spectrums: disabled EDIT: Picture!
  11. Both the Ripjaws V and Trident Z come in quad kits. Get whichever one you like the looks of better.
  12. It was pretty fun! I wasn't really focusing much on CPU-Z, though. With proper effort this should be closer to 6.6GHz. CB was -160 on this guy. Need a PLL mod to drop that down even more.
  13. You have any idea at all what the FSB capabilities are?
  14. Good god... not here too. Go back to Facebook!
  15. Derp :celebration:
  16. mOCF? Sounds like you guys will have to move up to Elite to use it
  17. First Giga, now ASRock
  18. What do you mean by "one step above and below"?
  19. Reasonably priced B-Die is easily found in G.Skill 3200 14-14-14 2x8GB kits!
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