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Everything posted by xxbassplayerxx

  1. I believe the board is limited, for sure. I can validate 640 on air pretty easily. Getting higher requires cold on the chip (and board, I think).
  2. Well that's fucked up.......
  3. Jason, I'm interested but can't commit yet. In Chicago. We could probably carpool if flying is out of the question for me.
  4. Good good those price drops
  5. Kingpin sold to Rasparthe.
  6. Looks like a strong CPU!
  7. Here's one I've had saved away for a long time. I think this was the "official" BIOS that was being passed around when people were benching this card.
  8. Any estimate on shipping to the US?
  9. BIOS here: http://uwot.eu/blog/voltage-modifications/vmod_gtx280/ I haven't tested it personally, though. EDIT: Link from there is dead. I downloaded it a long time ago, so here's a link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gy1xws1ry3g47bd/cs1%20%28untested%29.rom?dl=0
  10. Wiggles, is he using an SOC Force??
  11. Are you entering the RTL and IOL as I explained earlier? It's very counterintuitive. I'm out and about today but if you haven't found the post by later, I'll link you to it. EDIT: post is here http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=417742&postcount=26
  12. Hey, as one last trial, set the 33.33 multi and 100 BCLK then change the BCLK using the buttons on the MB once you make it in to Windows. Test this for stability. screen shot all of your timings (including 2nds and 3rds). From there, set the RTL and IOL values from the BIOS. See my other posts in this thread for how to format those. RTL and IOL are a big part of the training process and very possibly could be what is failing.
  13. HyperX sticks sold. Pot and Corsair's still available.
  14. Sleep well man... hopefully we can narrow this down to a BIOS issue, get it submitted to Giga, and have it fixed in the next beta.
  15. What happens if you set the 33.33 multiplier, at CAS 15 and then use 108 BCLK? That should give you 3600MHz on the memory.
  16. Lots of reports on OCN subs too, while we're joining the party :celebration:
  17. What is the month that is printed on the sticker? If they're newer than October, it's likely E-Die.
  18. When you enable XMP, does it set the timings correctly? 3600 17-18-18 38 2T @ 1.35V? Also, do you happen to know if these are Samsung D-Die or E-Die?
  19. Do you have XMP enabled or disabled?
  20. Hey Fact, a few questions. Which BIOS are you using? Are you trying to boot with the memory at 3600MHz? Are you able to set lower CAS and CR when using lower frequency?
  21. Funny story about NB cooling. When I ran it previously, I used a Tek Slim sitting on the stock heatsink. I had no issues pouring the Tek full pot and the probe dropped down to about -190 or so. This is when I hit 670 FSB for the first time. On my most recent run, I actually acquired a legit NB pot and used heatsinks on the VRM's, etc. I found out that the cold bug on the NB is about -45°C. Basically, putting the Tek on the NB heatsink was virtually ineffective since -190°C on it didn't even translate to -45°C at the chip. Next time I take the board cold I'll see if the NB pot makes a difference for FSB since I was just pushing my E8600 last time and FSB didn't need to be above 650 or so with that for the benches I was running.
  22. Well done! What are you going to hook it up to first?
  23. Have you had any luck getting 1T going?
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