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Everything posted by xxbassplayerxx

  1. Wouldn't this be a good place to start, though? We all agree that XTU receives too many points. The conversation basically started because the 3D guys got annoyed at seeing XTU on top of the boards all day, pulling in amounts of points that no other benchmark can. Cap the point levels lower, that way a highly sought after 2D benchmark scores the same as a highly competitive 2D benchmark. Is there really a significant increase in competitiveness between 20,000 scores and 30,000 scores?
  2. He sniped them?
  3. :celebration:
  4. I expected them to sell immediately, honestly. Absolutely amazing chips... The only thing that I can think of is that there are only so many people buying binned chips (especially at this level) and many have already bought or just haven't seen this listing.
  5. I can has all 3 plz. Actually... no money for this. GLWS.
  6. I believe it's the numbers at the top of the Pi window: Real Memory: Available Real Memory: Allocated Memory: If you convert Sofos' Real Memory number from Bytes to Megabytes, it ends up being 670.6MB.
  7. Glorious. Will get OP updated in the morning.
  8. Wasn't it like that in the past? People were upset that those who could afford 4+ of the best cards were raking in tons and tons of points?
  9. Yessir!
  10. @Massman, here are the remaining files to be uploaded. No code has to be inserted here.
  11. 690 FSB is pretty great for a REX... most of them cap out around 670 or so. I think you're looking at close to $200 USD, IMO.
  12. I pretty much got the word that I will not be able to make this. Fiance and I want to take one last trip before she changes jobs and we're thinking Asia. Sorry Lewis... I'll keep it in mind in case plans change. GL :cheers:
  13. I'm still interested but there are quite a few variables on my end. 1. I may be moving in the near future... change in city, job, lifestyle, etc. 2. I will be flying standby (fiance works for United Airlines), meaning I might not even make it on the flight 3. Cost may be an issue... hopefully not but it's possible... I did just buy a diamond that set me back a fair amount I won't know until much closer to the date.
  14. Messed up the PCB of a 4770K with a razor. Vice, when done properly, is totally fine in my experience. This wasn't done properly because the layer protecting the teeth slipped down.
  15. I just got a message from a teammate telling me to stop trolling this thread. I just want to be clear that I was not trying to say anything bad about these chips or Roman's binning operation. The chips are clearly very strong, especially since they come with LN2 results! Apologies
  16. Not trying to say these chips are bad at all... I want one. I'm just confused about the hardware itself... how does it vary so much? How is it that some people are finding absolute gem after gem and others find nothing but bunnyextraction? Is it really down to batch? Is it methodology? Come to think of it... Why can't I go above ~6G cold? bunnyextraction chip or bad methodology? Sorry for the rant... I just bunnying hate Skyfail. :mad:
  17. Was wondering when this would happen!! YAY! 32M IS FINALLY A GLOBAL BENCH AGAIN! :celebration:
  18. Any reason there was only an 8M run? 2.4V seems like a lot if not 32M stable.
  19. Aghhhhhh more trader ratings to maintain Even my OCN rating hasn't logged my last 20+ trades. I'm cool with it as long as we don't implement marketplace restrictions beyond what we have now :celebration:
  20. I believe it... but the differences seem to be staggering. I asked Silicon Lottery if they have found anything better than 4.8 @ 1.40V and they said barely... then there are people waving around 5.0 @ 1.35V. My 6600K does 4.9 @ 1.41V but can't do 5G stable to save it's life.
  21. Price drop. $320
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