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Everything posted by xxbassplayerxx

  1. It doesn't have to be publicly available, but HWBot staff reserves the right to verify that something is a tweak and not a cheat if it gives outrageous results.
  2. Splave, what kind of volts on the sticks?
  3. What changes? I thought it was puppies all along!
  4. Not so well done
  5. Looks like @GtiJason has been pushing his fastest 4K+ runs with 2T on that board. He currently has the fastest 5G 32M time with that board. Ranking here. 5:55.516 http://hwbot.org/submission/3105147_ 5:56.563 http://hwbot.org/submission/3088839_
  6. Seems B-Die really is Bitch-Die lol
  7. Thanks. They're incredibly overpriced right now on Newegg so I found similarly spec'd sticks and went a bit lower than those. The buyer for tomorrow sounds pretty interested, I just have to get him an accurate shipping price and I don't know the exact weight on the whole kit. If it falls through, I'll post here and let you know.
  8. That doesn't sound too bad, honestly. Unable to get them up to the 4000 spot?
  9. Kingston sticks are pending until tomorrow AM.
  10. Got them added to OP. You're correct, they should be B-Die. When you say they're nothing special, can you give any specifics? What volts do they need for 3866C12? Did you bin sticks individually or as a kit?
  11. Hey guys, what kits have you binned so far? What have your results looked like? What timings/volt combos are you binning for? I'm thinking of grabbing one of the 3200C14 kits but others have been pushing saying the 4000 and 4133 kits have been of much higher quality. Those kits have sold out immediately every time they've been in stock so there has to be lots of people buying them. G.Skill From G.Skill's press release here, these should be B-Die: G.Skill 3200 14-14-14 @ 1.35V Ripjaws V Black | Ripjaws V Red | TridentZ G.Skill 3600 16-16-16 @ 1.35V Ripjaws V Black | TridentZ G.Skill 3600 17-18-18 @ 1.35V Ripjaws V | TridentZ G.Skill 3733 17-17-17 @ 1.35V TridentZ (currently listed as 8x2GB instead of 2x8GB--just a Newegg error) G.Skill 3733 17-19-19 @ 1.35V G.Skill 3866 18-22-22 @ 1.35V G.Skill 4000 19-21-21 @ 1.35V TridentZ G.Skill 4133 19-25-25 @ 1.40V TridentZ GeiL GeiL 4000 19-25-25 @ 1.40V Patriot Patriot 3400 16-18-18 Corsair Corsair 3600 18-19-19
  12. Wow. You going to freeze the GPU's and put this score any further into orbit?
  13. Ah shoot. Didn't copy that over. $170 to the US.
  14. Kingpin Pot Up for sale is my Kingpin F1EE that I've been using for the past few years. I bought it right before the F1 Dark came out in a crunch and Vince ended up sending me his personal pot. It's in good shape, a few scratches here and there and the inside is a bit marked up from using the pot with dice, but uh, more surface area It comes with all the accessories in the photo. Add a thermocouple and you're good to bench! $170 shipped to the US. SOLD Price includes USPS Priority shipping in the US (includes tracking). Anyone else, please ask for an estimate. Global shipment may end up being $30-50 because the pot is so heavy. DDR4 Kingston HyperX Savage - HX430C15SBK4/32 - Newegg Link - $170 Shipped to the US. SOLD Corsair Vengeance LPX - CMK8GX4M2B3000C15 - Newegg Link - $45 Shipped to the US. Both DDR4 kits are lightly used. The HyperX savage has less than 2-3 hours of runtime. The Corsair has less than 8 hours. Both are Hynix MFR. The HyperX is dual-sided and the Corsair is single-sided. I do not have OC results on them (nor do I have a chip to test with, right now). Payment Payment via Paypal. Lowballs will be ignored. Let me know if you have any questions. Sold items pictures:
  15. Sounds like it, yes. Hopefully it's only the TIM that failed and not a lack of mass in the head of the unit. When using a phase change unit that gets overloaded, the temperatures quickly shoot to positive numbers, similar to what you're seeing here. That is usually a result of the unit not being charged for the specific load or not having enough mass in the head.
  16. Keep in mind that XTU will not read lower than -5°C. However, if it reads higher than that, you will know that your temperatures truly have reached those levels. EDIT: No, boards don't necessarily fail at -5°C. However, the fact that the chip likely started the bench somewhere around -100°C and peaked at -2°C means that the temperature swing was absolutely massive. This rapid change in temperature can definitely lead to instability.
  17. Buying used should be fine. That and the Rampage V Extreme are pretty much the two best X99 boards. It should treat you nicely.
  18. This. As I mentioned above, some of the IC's around the socket sometimes have cold bugs of their own. It may benefit you to at least put some sort of gasket around the head to prevent the cold from spreading as much.
  19. Have you tried 2T for 4000+? Seems every board but the 2-dimmers need that.
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