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Everything posted by xxbassplayerxx

  1. I say you smell like poop and get a friend request. You win this time!
  2. I'm scared to even consider going older than 775. It's just a whole new world and I'm happy battling the one I'm in now!
  3. Mr. Scott smells like poop! What now, Scotty?! :banana:
  4. At some point there is a lower limit to the resolution that is acceptable. If you can't fit everything you need to validate the screenshot in the resolution, it's time to use a larger resolution screen. You were originally missing the memory tab making your screenshot invalid. No point in blaming this on anyone else when you were the one left out the required tab. Including a CPU-Z valid doesn't make you exempt from this requirement because the validation could have been taken at any time. It does not show that the benchmark was run at the claimed speeds.
  5. Well done! You think the card has more in it?
  6. Will give it a go. Have been benching other cards the past few days.
  7. Agree with the above. Should lower to around 120 to start... then keep going lower! For '06 memory tweaks should help
  8. 4840!!! 5000 here we come :banana:
  9. That's a little steep. I'm feeling the $25 for the 4770K
  10. If you want to be an honest person... that's actually a good deal lol
  11. Any reason he didn't use Liquid Metal? That doesn't go bad, does it?
  12. I know Ivy lost frequency when delidded but I thought Haswell and DC didn't change at all, except that the cold bug may move a bit because of the different thermal transfer rates.
  13. Can you please keep this political crap off of here? We go from bunnying around to you posting dead bodies. Time and a place, man.
  14. Isn't that single sided MFR?
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