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Everything posted by xxbassplayerxx

  1. All four sticks for 100 EUR or is that per kit?
  2. :eek:
  3. viper, have you tried running Catzilla on 775 IGP yet? Give it a try and report back with your findings. Quick hint, the benchmark won't even open if your memory isn't above 600MHz. Not to criticize whoever chose this stage but Catzilla is about the worst benchmark possible to run on IGP. I'm sure it's bugging on nearly every run.
  4. Viper, not sure if you've run the bench but it won't even run on G41 without a lot of overclocking and tweaking. If the score is wrong, it's a bug in Catzilla. Saying results are fake and cheats is just rude, unless it's just an error in translation.
  5. :celebration::celebration::celebration:
  6. What makes you think Rasparthe's result is invalid? http://hwbot.org/submission/2971828
  7. Question for you: my QX9650 would pass at 5400 but was scoring lower than my 4.8GHz run. Were you having issues like this as well?
  8. That's terrible
  9. Kingpin card? And I notice that Heaven is always run with low(ish) CPU. Does it really score better with less CPU?
  10. This one run is worth more than my entire profile lol.
  11. WOW! Crazy CPU and awesome score. CPU temps? Full pot or warmer?
  12. I know that feeling... post up a great score... no one says anything! Good job
  13. Using this for GPU memory?
  14. It does say "Not for sale" on the chip itself, though I guess it doesn't say anything about resale.
  15. Fixed that for you
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