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Everything posted by Bobnova

  1. #2 is the only one that really makes sense to me. #3 is a staggering headache, and doesn't seem like it would change much of anything (check the box for all and let the best score count, or uncheck the box and lose points? Easy choice!).
  2. Damn, I missed it.
  3. I would be lovely to be able to see HW points along with TP/UP on submission lists.
  4. Holy crap. That's a seriously power section! I bet TiN's looking for one to zombie as we speak
  5. Sidebar says competition points will be awarded for this. Is that true? This is the dawn of an exciting new time in HWBot land! I'll be joining once my in-law's msi z68 mobo shows up
  6. I want a rev4 sig, I'm rather higher up the rankings now!
  7. Team ranking page doesn't seem to function. The sidebar does, but that's it.
  8. Thanks! TsunamiJuan was kind enough to let me run on his M4E/2600k. I can't claim credit for the CPU end of things. My best chip so far is only a 5500
  9. I feel obligated to warn everybody that after our heart crushing last minute (literally) defeat in May, we are after blood in this one! Of course, by "we" I mostly mean Opty. I'm going to take a crack at K6-2 and 462 though.
  10. Aww, I was hoping it was going with the Held The Lead Longest version.
  11. Reminds me of playing Monopoly: HWBot error in your favor, collect one win. Maybe it's two bonus points for posting scores before the deadline
  12. You're a bad example. Benching for fun isn't allowed here!
  13. I was hoping there'd be a refresh soon, I just threw down some decent older hardware scores and want to see what that got me in rev4. My goal for myself is top100 at rev4 launch. If the launch takes long enough I might actually make it What's the word on the overall progress Massman?
  14. I was wondering the same, I have one of those incoming right now.
  15. Bobnova

    OC Quiz

    Nothing I've benched. It does look Asusish though.
  16. My 8600 GT 16sp was displaying the bios checkerboarded with arabic earlier today, I didn't even know that was possible! Needs a trip through the oven.
  17. Dominating at HWBot is fun though, on a personal level and on a team level. I'd still bench dry ice without any kind of rankings, but being able to compete at it makes it even better. I use the team mostly as a way to get more people into benching, every new person that shows up is a new way of looking at things that might uncover a SuperTweak.
  18. It depends on what level you're at, we at Team OCF have gained a ton of members in the last six months because we are a team, and because people can overclock like they enjoy doing, and help us dominate at HWBot. It's a rather different world further down the ranks than it is at the top I think. We're more of a team then a collection of individuals.
  19. Should have left it on longer, it was still pretty hot. The burning has finally subsided now, half an hour later. EDIT: Yes, I need to vacuum. Two kids and two cats makes for a mess.
  20. Ha, that's pretty amusing really. I like it! That solves the issues of CPU max multi pretty nicely.
  21. Got my prize box! Zomg, ramen! Lots of ramen! (Ignore the scribble. Whoops.) Ready to mount to a fermi and cook it up! Official Ramen Cooling Method. Seriously, lots of ramen. That's a 775 chip in the middle there. Many thanks to Kal-El for throwing the contest, supporting CRASH's efforts, and offering up such entertaining prizes! Final note: Package1 was pretty tasty.
  22. rofl, go me! Guess I'll have to play in the OC league for a while Ahh I see it's only globals and WR points. THat explains that. I like that, it gives the individuals an option to compete exactly as they used to (well sortof, couldn't get globals for wp2x and wp4x before, close enough though). I think this is going to be a positive change. My change to Pro? Not so much! I'd like to go back, in case you were feeling board. (thanks for switching me over though!)
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