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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. Better link to your post plz
  2. Yep, bugged freq for sure. anyway if you want to increase performance in XTU, get faster memory
  3. These ones are missing in the collection. Anyone still has a working one that is just collecting dust?
  4. is that 3466 pi32M stable ? Anyway you got a good combo rocking man!!!
  5. Keep it at 2T , not that of a big impact for 24/7 usage. Did you check the increase in bandwidth with e.g. AIDA 64 memtest?
  6. usually you need to loosen some settings to pass 3733 or even reach 3866. Though to gain performance I would tighten them at 3600MHz iso of loosening them up to reach higher speeds. Lower Trfc to 320, tighten Command Rate to 1T and set Tfaw to 24, this should already give a nice boost in bandwidth.
  7. Killitorous, guitar techniques are insane...
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