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Everything posted by suzuki

  1. Yeah, ring is not an issue, also increasing cpu speed wil affect the mem score positively, i just put a freq that allows me to be on good temps on air and focus on mems. Limiting factor at this point is the cpu imc, i managed to do same freq on Apex z790, i will see how it behaves on cold, maybe i can squeeze a bit more.
  2. Not anymore for sale, this board is a monster. Up for the rest.
  3. 31. Evga z690 Dark Kingpin New from Rma, warranty on my name. Only trade i accept is with z790 Kpe, i will add €€€. Price 550€, plus shipping and fees. Pictures with the board - https://imgur.com/a/CAZwWNy First post updated
  4. 13900ks SP P-cores 120, E-cores 93 , overall 111. Bought locally, warranty on my name starting with today. Price 850 euro plus shipping and fees if any on transfer. Timestamps - https://imgur.com/a/k71IGyN
  5. I am having the same issue, i cannot upload the file.
  6. This is a great sub, i am still ,>6k less with a i9 at similar freq.
  7. they are doing something right, that's for sure. I can't boot more than 9600 :)).
  8. I was under the impression he is Elite league, i mean like how much hardware you need to receive in order to have sponsored status? Also, so much drama for a bios that doesn't give you a Wr, even if inhouse oc-ers had it, if i'm not mistaken Gigabyte has stil first place on mem clocks since 2 months ago and has probably backup since the mems were on air.
  9. Utilities fall in the same category, if it is beta testing and not public shared ?
  10. Great sub, especially because it was made on z690 Kpe :D.
  11. What version of bios you guys use for sp readings on z690 Apex? I have bugged results with 2004 and 2204, even after ME update. 2x13900k and a 13900ks have the same exact pcore & ecore. Reflash, clr cmos, multiple resets didn't help. Whatever cpu i tested first, remains there as ratings Plus, they are different than z790 Apex and z790 Hero , not by much.
  12. Any ideea what sp or biscuits this cpu has ?
  13. G.Skill 6400c32 with SN finished in A. Compatible with everything, usually very good results.
  14. Do it, do it, do it. Update us, if it works
  15. added P5e3 Wifi Premium . First post updated.
  16. What is this sacrilege? You left Antoine alone... Hehe, good luck with future subs, once you touched Ln2 i doubt you will be back on Dice.
  17. sold Up for the rest.
  18. ...
  19. 28. G.Skill 6400c32 kit . Warranty on my name, tested for 8533 cl34 tight, see my subs in discords ddr5 channel. Video will be provided in private, results might depend on cpu and motherboard but at least you eliminate the "if mem is good enough" question. Price 300 Euro + shipping. Picture with the kit Some prices from first post adjusted.
  20. Nice Wr! This generation of cpus brings back old popular benchmarks, and the joy of benching them :D.
  21. I see it is still stock. Had mine modified by nachtfalke, even so it still doesn't hold the load of current generations.
  22. I have a golden one, but for sub-zero. No idea how good it is on ambient. Pm me with offers.
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