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Christian Ney

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Everything posted by Christian Ney

  1. yeah, 10/10 you are going to OC it.
  2. Fixed. If it disappear from the list again, there is a "Switch Teams" or "Join Team" available in the team page:
  3. I usually keep 5 pcs of each motherboard model (1 for extreme OC, 1 for air testing, 1 for testing mods and 2 backups). In case of the ASUS P2B-D, I have 8 and since I need to make some room, 3 have to go. Now I planned on listing them on ebay but figured I would prefer that they end up into overclocker hands. They all have been flashed with BIOS 1014.003 Board are clean (no dust), no physical damage, no leaking capacitors. All tested and working. PCB revision is 1.04 They can all do 133 MHz. What would be a fair price for one?
  4. I have contacted DFI see if they still have those files stored somewhere.
  5. hum, I remember it was visible to all before I became moderator (years ago). Maybe it's not the case anymore.
  6. I can't see it there either: http://forum.hwbot.org/profile.php?do=editoptions
  7. You dont have this on the top right side? It used to be available.
  8. This happened just now. I was DOA Testing some s462 boards. After 6 boards not booting I put one I knew that was working on the bench and tried the CPUs. Turns out all 5 CPUs I tested on the previous boards are dead. After further investigation, it's one of the MSI that is responsible. It killed 6 CPUs. Hammer time!
  9. I was going to fix it today. Here is the link: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=8329B08E8413A80E!478&authkey=!AN817fyIH7zpru4&ithint=file%2czip
  10. Not only on your end. Had this a couple of times as well. F5 is our friend.
  11. I see it: HWBOT 3DMark Vantage Benchmark Validation Regulations
  12. I know why, will be fixed today.
  13. If you see me offline for more than a week that means I took the medication.
  14. Yes please, thanks That's not a lucky run
  15. Yeah I also have some broken/defective graphics cards that produce high scores.
  16. Please read the marketplace rules and edit your thread accordingly: http://forum.hwbot.org/announcement.php?f=121
  17. Well... That's 229 PMs and counting I became an excellent decipher, like... military grade...
  18. Best gift ever:
  19. GENiEBEN is currently working on the wrapper and needs as many "Details Pass 01.txt" files generated by Aquamark3 (found in My Documents\Aquamark3\xxxx") as possible (one per OS/HW combination). You can send me the file(s) to am3 [at] hw-db.com Thanks for the help.
  20. For those with Core i3, if HWMonitor isn't showing CPU Temps, open the motherboard temperatures, it is going to be there (TMPIN3). As additional info, open HWiNFO who will confirm this like in the example below:
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