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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. Yup I added maxmem to this run since I can't run those memory clocks full 16GB. My normal waza technique for the blue team is slower than no waza?
  2. Bump, preparing to add a few more goodies tomorrow.
  3. Agreed testing cold shit is one thing, testing OS shits adds a whole other layer of fail.
  4. I bet, but I am not an AMD pi master like you haha, only know how to go fast on the blue team for 32M. Still learning, but at the end of the day it's kinda sad that an air cooled 4770K with DDR3 is still faster than any Ryzen this generation will ever be Regardless still fun to play my favorite game, even if it's with the slow mode switch on lol
  5. Decided to burn up the last bit of LN2 I had before refiling and still having no tools that work for W7 I started direct booting from bios. Unsure if this is safe, but not my cpu, not my problem No waza, no tweaks just determining max clock, fuklock, and mem clock. 16/32 direct boot from bios: 5650 3200 c14 3200 c12 3200 c12 even tighter Then decided to try turning off some cores . . . 5750 3200 c12 5800 3200 c12 5800 3200 c12 tightest 5850 passed but reboot at the end after completing pi and the time was 6:03:xxx so with a tuned run it will be an easy sub 5 run, but I think even 5800 should be enough at 3200 c12 to break the mythical 5 min barrier. Now to sort waza on AMD . . .
  6. Soon brother, let me tell you a story. There once was a man named Muhammad, who could only dream of high fukclock. Miss you brother hmu on pm, need to catch up with you.
  7. Bump for a great seller and awesome cpu. Full pot on any Ryzen with > 1533 fuckclock is magic.
  8. KP NB pot paid and shipped.
  9. Congrats Kangaroo bro's, always love seeing you guys slay everyone proper And huge thanks to Albie, none of this would be possible without you.
  10. If he doesn't want it's yours, will let you know tomorrow.
  11. You can, but operation at those frequencies can't be guaranteed since they were not tested in a quad config. The answer is, it depends. It might/might not work, but can't hurt to give it a try.
  12. That word isn't in my lexicon But honestly it would make your job 100% easier, lets work smarter not harder. You already do way too much much for this shitshow, treat yourself a bit brochacho.
  13. Simple solution, get rid of seasonal ranking
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