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Everything posted by l0ud_sil3nc3

  1. Just wow. One guy fixes a problem your whole team could/would not fix, for free nonetheless and you threaten him with litigation? Should maybe think about scrapping your team and hiring Mat since he actually cares about benchmark integrity and is trying to actively do something for the community (with no ulterior motives btw) which no one else has done to date. You still need a license to use any version of Geekbench whether you're on using it standalone or integrated through Benchmate, so saying that Benchmate is "taking steps towards subverting Geekbench's licensing code." seems like fake news. Seeing this makes me never want to benchmark any Geekbench ever again, and I for sure will not be purchasing any more licenses simply because of how you have handled this issue. Welcome back to hwbot
  2. Mesh goes > x40 on this one and the memory isn't retail but honestly I think all b-die can duplicate these clocks/timings.
  3. Last year's memory aging well ic :) Awesome job rsannino, see you in a few days.
  4. You holding the camera, Cookie fxxxing the b*tch :D Awesome results guys!
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