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Xtreme Addict

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Everything posted by Xtreme Addict

  1. So far I delided pretty big amount of cpus, only killed (cut trace - single channel) one Pentium K. With all more expensive chips I had more luck, though on one 6700K i scratched PCB. but nothing happened (a bit of luck). Razor all the time, but in fact I am waiting for this tool. This is investment for future and I am sure Roman will provide support for future generations too. For single use it might be too expensive/overkill, agree. In my case it's investment for long run, and in fact I was expecting (and willing) even to pay more. Especially when you finally find the golden one, and your success rate with razor is let's say 1 dead cpu per 100, pretty okay odds, but counting irony... you will kill your golden one I count this tool as investment in other OC gear, like pots, thermometers and so on, things which will you use for ages
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