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Everything posted by sin0822

  1. the truth is that it takes many BIOS revisions before a feature like slew rates goes into a final release BIOS(just look at how long it took after they added the user ability to change CPU PLl OV until it went into final BIOSes), beta's validation process is much shorter than that for final version, which starts possibly before some betas for that final lettered BIOS are done. They can do tweaks here and there, but from here on out i don't think we will see BIOSes released at the rate as in the past, that doesn't mean there wont be improvements. There can easily be requested a BIOS with slews and higher vcore, I will put in a request for like F5j with over 1.85v vcore.
  2. yea for me if I upload a score lower than the one before it, the higher frequency will only show. But if i upload one that is higher frequency then it will keep that. it is annoying they need to fix that crap.
  3. Why is this just news now? i thought there was some youtube video of this back during computex?
  4. yea i heard and saw a lot of issues with vista and Z77, atm the thought was because the vista was slimmed down, but maybe it is just the OS.
  5. lol nice keychain.
  6. looks great man!
  7. the slew rates give me higher headroom on samsung and PSC from my findings, F5F can give you the same headroom on samsung IMO. but yea this BIOS isn't mean to help PSC or BBSE, however the increased slew rated helps a lot with PSC, gave me an extra multiplier to work with, but it does help boot with higher multipliers which is part of the battle. F5F detects my samsung modules and changes its slew rate on the fly however the slew rates are very helpful for both samsung and PCS, and I think they should be an option for users to change, as it can benefit and what if the board doesn't detect it?
  8. Here is a new BIOS with much improvement: http://www.mediafire.com/?st532240qeslhwi BIOS F5G It adds read and write slew It helps CL12 compatibility Here are the new settings and what seems to be the best for different types of modules: So start with level 2 and then increase for different levels of stability and such for samsung and PCS, samsung will for instance give you instance 51 on level 1 if you go too higher over XMP multiplier, but change to level 2 and it will not 51 and it will boot.
  9. can you relfash the BIOS
  10. on the UP7 i got d0 once or twice and it was for memory, but it was a test BIOS. So it might stand for different things. Anyways yea, i have never killed a CPU i thought if I did it would say 00, but I guess it will say d0.
  11. yea I got mine as well a while ago. They give you quite a good amount, more than GC-Extreme gives you in a tube. I really like the tube as well. Under Ln2 is is pretty viscous, it works pretty well actually. It cracks at -150C while Extreme does like -165C. Also i never got a reply, it just showed in the mail.
  12. hey the F5F BIOS, did it add any options under memory timings tab?
  13. he third slot on the UD3H is routed to the PCH NOT the CPU, the UD5H has it routed to the CPU. What is what you need. You can try asking Pro, i think he got it working at some point.
  14. I feel like pulling a Tin on you.
  15. Yea I have the same memory. Ill test it out.
  16. yea its not all memory, mainly PSC and samsung, but samsung fix I can confirm working.
  17. A new BIOS will help.
  18. What I mean is that it requires a BIOS that is optimized for its memory traces and such, because it is much different in design than the other boards.
  19. also you have to realize that for certain types of memory the Up5 will be better, or even more basic boards like the Up4. They have less stuff on the board, more optimized BIOS, and fewer layers.
  20. There is also a BIOS coming out soon that should help memory OC on this board. XMP works okay over here with that kit and the board. If you don't set the timings yourself or by XMP the board will set them, and for every memory multiplier, the timings are different, or should be at different points.
  21. it should be done processing soon:
  22. why no one want to play BFBC2 I don't like BF3 much yet
  23. yea and if you use XP change it from smart auto to auto for xhci i think, but i think GB already did this recently. That changes intel USB 3.0 to USB 2.0, as XP drivers for intel USB 3.0 dont' exist.
  24. exactly lol
  25. Lol Rolf
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