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Everything posted by HiVizMan

  1. Cheers PM recieved.
  2. 11 Days to go and things are tight. Good luck to all and safe hardware.
  3. Nice one Ian and best wishes for your birthday mate.
  4. Now that is darn impressive, guess I have to go back to binning CPU's now. Way to go Roman. Outstanding simply outstanding.
  5. Looking very good there Ian - enjoy Germany and see you in Hull on Friday.
  6. So much more headroom there 8 Pack - think scores closer to the 98K+ are certainly possible. :D
  7. Quite correct and totally agree.
  8. Now that is what I am talking about. Well done on that score dude.
  9. Thank you elmor for taking the time to respond in the thread with an update. Enjoy your weekend.
  10. Massman Can confirm that the stand alone method of installing the earlier version and then the latest version does not work. I still require to connect to the internet. Three different versions of Win7, two Windows 8 and the latest Windows8.1 all tried and all needed Lan to work. Maybe next time the software design team will allow a stand alone install.
  11. Some serious benching the last few days mate.
  12. Pots all here and looking good cheers mate.
  13. Very nice going such a strong CPU and good benching.
  14. Yes true, degraded is more accurate.
  15. No all the CPUs that died at IDF were retail.
  16. Sigh right back at you mate. Frustration I guess - it has been a long two weeks, two dead CPUs and more hours spent trying to work out why this one bench would not just run as it should, than were realisticaly available. A benchmark should just work when you run it in my view. Before a product is released into the mainstream one would hope there would have been some kind of testing taking place, and I am sure that Intel have done heaps of testing before releasing this version. I guess I am spoilt by the high standards HWBOT has delivered historically. Pretty much all of the benchmarks you guys have presented as standards just work. No fiddling around, no LAN needed, no Auto Updates needed. Just install and run. So apologies for expecting the same high standards this time round. And no I am not being ironic, I sincerely mean that. This time round it has been a bit different has it not? Because his version of XTU requires all kinds of interventions and other things to be installed and active before it works. I do appreciate you acknowledging that HWBOT and Intel are aware of the problem. That is the first time you have said that as far as I am aware. Thank you. Accept my apologies for the terminology used to describe the benchmark previously. And clearly you do not have your head in the sand with regard to the short comings of this incantation of XTU.
  17. Pieter how many folks here who are quite serious benchers have been having problems with running this benchmark. Loyalty to a sponsor is one thing but head in the sand is quite another. If you think this benchmark is up to scratch as it is then all good mate.
  18. Will take at £160 postage included Del to Sussex. Take to pm if you are agreeable.
  19. Honestly guys this bench in its current format is shyte, and you really need to sort out how it works. I do not see why I have to have LAN driver installed and have to do all sorts of updates to run it. If Intel can not make a bench work as a stand alone then it does not have a place here on HWBOt. The amount of crap we have gone through to get this POS to work is ridiculous. Leeghoofd I so understand where you are coming from mate. My thing is OS tweaking and trying to make an OS work for this benchmark has been a nightmare. Pieter I appreciate the financial benefits having an official Intel partnership brings to the party: but dude they have to step up and make a working stand alone benchmark available to the community. The earlier version works no problems sort it or loose it.
  20. Yip up for two for delivery to the UK please.
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