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Everything posted by havli

  1. Looks really interesting. I already have HW for all rounds, looking forward to it.
  2. Thank you. btw - the XP issue only applies to Asus boards or is it global thing for all Z170 + non-K OC?
  3. Is there a chance to get working AVX and winXP support in the future?
  4. Looks good. working fine with Firefox, Chrome and Edge. IE11 is broken though.
  5. Your card is regular Vanta. Vanta LT is using different (smaller) GPU and usually has only 8MB of SDRAM. http://hw-museum.cz/view-vga.php?vgaID=182
  6. I believe it is a typo... and because of that memory type is not selected correctly when submitting X265 Benchmark results. Thank you.
  7. Nice score. It is good to see the benchmark is working well even on extreme machine like this.
  8. Please add: Opteron 8384 Thx.
  9. Just to be sure - only one score per person counts for each stage, right?
  10. Your score seems to be valid, HPET is not required when using windows 7. I did some BCLCK overclocking/underclocking testing with and without HPET during the benchmark development and there is no influence on the final score. Reason your score is better than others is benchmark settings (all built-in tweaks are allowed). HPET (disabled) is not responsible for this.
  11. Just to be clear - the original plan was ~ 800 hours. Just after loop 17 I figured it may not be good enough, so I decided to slow down even more. That is the reason for much slower final three loops.
  12. Congrats, very strong score. I had no idea AM2NF3-VSTA works this good with Voodoo5 PCI. I did some testing with V5 PCI + Core2 Duo + PCI-X board... but could not get better score than V5 AGP + KT333 + Barton.
  13. Thank you, I used my best Barton and 3.3V AGP compatible MB for this. Too bad I didn't finish the 128MB mod for Voodoo5, it would have been much closer to first place of this competition. The primary VSA-100 turned out to be defective (I originally thought memory is bad, so replacing it would fix the V5). Maybe if I can buy replacement VSA chip and have it resoldered...
  14. No disrespect, but are you really sure this TNT2 is only 8MB part? The sticker suggests 16MB... and although 8MB consisting of 4 SGRAM modules is possible, these particular ones looks identical to those used on Voodoo3 PCI http://hw-museum.cz/data/vga/pic/big/3dfx_Voodoo3_2000_PCI_SGR_F.jpg So 4*4 MB = 16 in total (and 128bit too). Even Everest can be wrong sometimes - my Voodoo4 4500 PCI is detected as 64MB, which is wrong obviously. Or another possibility - BIOS of this particular TNT2 is somehow broken and only 8MB is active (although it seems physically 16MB is present in total). I saw this once, long time ago, on GF2 Ti - which was working only as 32MB / 64bit.... although it was 64MB / 128bit physically. There is a way to know for sure what amount of VRAM is there. Try what maximum resolution it can run (in 3D mode). Lets say Quake 3 Arena - 1024x768x32 should be impossible to run on 8MB videocard and still should work on 16MB.
  15. Jar is no longer available in v1.2.0, only exe remains. And it is configured to use only the built-in java to avoid possible incompatibility with various java versions. HW/SW detection relies on cpu-z, so WMI shouldn't be an issue. When the splash screen is displayed, the benchmark is starting in the background... there are two things that could cause crash. 1. Artificial CPU load is launched on n-1 cores/threads (7 in case of FX-8350) to determine correct frequency for full load. 2. When the load is active, cpu-z is launched to generate HW & SW report. I guess the artificial CPU load part really shouldn't crash your PC. And if it does, it wouldn't be able to complete the benchmark anyway, as the x265 encoder is much more demanding. So maybe some sort of cpu-z incopatibility? You could try to use older version (1.72), maybe it will fix the problem. Just replace cpuz_x32.exe in the x265 directory.
  16. I'm curious how the 8MB m64 looks like. So far I have never seen one... Just for a reference - Vanta LT 8MB looks like this: http://hw-museum.cz/view-vga.php?vgaID=182 And regular Vanta 16MB http://hw-museum.cz/view-vga.php?vgaID=181
  17. From now on only version 1.2.0 is allowed. I made two submissions using v1.2.0 and all seems to be working well. If you find some bug, please report it here. http://hwbot.org/submission/2976861_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2976863_
  18. Yes, both are allowed.
  19. Now that's some serious cooling for a 486
  20. Hmm, maybe it is a long shot... did you try ISA video card? Perhaps it could work in extreme conditions such as this. Not sure about winXP compatibility though. All I can say is that Trident 8900 1MB was working fine on my 486 board using Windows NT 4.0 and 1024x768 8bit color.
  21. Is some anti-sandbagging system in place for SC4 or the stage is open for everyone to the end (September 30)? I'm planing my GPUPI run, so I need to be sure when the deadline is.
  22. Just a little heads up. Version 1.2.0 is ready. There are some security measures implemented as well a couple of improvements and bugfixes. http://hw-museum.cz/hwbot_x265_benchmark.php This version will be mandatory for submissions as of Monday 14th of September (a week from now). Until then v1.1.1 is still valid. Unfortunately it is not possible to use both versions simultaneously. I must switch them manually - which will happen next Monday. Old saved data files will become invalid.
  23. More than ~3500 should be possible with V5 PCI and right MB/OS/driver combination. Not easy to put all four together and score that high though. Thats why i went the easy way, at least for start. I like plexi cases very much, but they were (maybe still are) almost impossible to buy. So I decided to build my own. Very time consuming... which wasn't an issue for me back in 2008. Wish I had so much free time now. Detailed specs and more photos here: http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=41337&p=388533#p388533
  24. All built-in tweaks are allowed. Feel free to use them.
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