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Everything posted by keeph8n

  1. It'll never be hit run and win, and it shouldn't be.
  2. Nobody is reaching. You want to know something, get involved in a community. Talk to other benchers. Put in effort. Most benchers are happy to give tips and tricks if they see someone putting in effort vs just handing them everything on a silver platter
  3. I didn't say anything was directed towards you. I don't think there needs to be any public list of tweaks. Its unnecessary. If you find something, inform the moderation team and thats that.
  4. Absolutely NOT! If you want a list of tweaks and its sorted as the following, I would be okay with that. TeamAU Tweak Rauf Tweak Need Correct Version of Bench for Correct Version of OS and Platform I don't think people need to be spoonfed shit. They didn't earn that. Do some research, test some shit out, and if you find something that goes fast contact a moderator.
  5. @Leeghoofdshould be able to delete for you. Unfortunately there is no delete button atm as there were some issues
  6. Because the submitter screwed up and its in the wrong category. You ran 3.3.3 and not 3.2. Not a big deal. Just resubmit using the Submit Score button and the proper category.
  7. Modded 290 Sold
  8. 290X w/ bad fan sold and 290 Pending Sale
  9. Title: HD 6990 w/ EKWB Block Description: Good condition used HD 6990 with EKWB Block and Backplate. Price: $100 + shipping Shipping Options: USPS Payment: PayPal Title: Modded GTX 460 Description: Purchased from Funsoul. Mods done by Miller. Price: $50 + shipping Shipping Options: USPS Payment: PayPal TimeStamps/Photos: Title: 290X Tri-X Description: 290X Tri-X. Good card. Cooler has good fans. Price: $75 + shipping Shipping Options: USPS Payment: PayPal TimeStamps/Photos: Title: HD 4870 Toxic Description: Good shape HD4870 Toxic. Price: 25 + shipping Shipping Options: USPS Payment: PayPal Title: HD6870 Description: Good shape HD6870. Bit dusty. Been sitting since purchased. Price: $40 + shipping Shipping Options: USPS Payment: PayPal
  10. On AM4, afaik if you run 3.4.4 you don't need to run Benchmate
  11. 2021 is here and we are 250+ members strong! Looking forward to further detailed and in-depth conversations in the new year!
  12. Thanks bubba. Might retry in 2021. Just testing load capabilities of new pot
  13. BM 0.9.3 supports GB3/4/5 out of the box, but is no longer being supported for updates. 30XX series cards have drivers available for Windows 7.
  14. Some of the best work for ASUS. Multiple BIOS have been on the Impact support site.
  15. Benchmate ensures security on certain platforms and OS. Supporting the development of BenchMate on Patreon has its perks
  16. there is 1 total submission for 2 card Port Royal
  17. Wonder if its due to Processor not recognized by FM. ES Sample 3970X
  18. Not fun to compete against other Enthusiasts?
  19. true, always nice to see Ref Freq apart of comps and people pulling out the old dogs for WR runs
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