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Posts posted by TASOS

  1. On 11/6/2021 at 9:01 AM, Leeghoofd said:


    To conclude no matter what we decide at HWBot it will never be fine for all users. There is always drama involved as users only see the individual concept of things, we have to take decisions not only for now but also for future things to come...

    True ... but

    Are you talking about minority complaining or majority complaining here ?


    Correct me if i'm wrong.

    But , didnt the majority of hwbot users decited against this new ranking system , regarding this new Intel miracle cpu gen ??? (on the earlier thread).


    Why force it ?


    Since hwbot decited to vanish the "happy user" factor , there must be somekind of bigger "gain" elsewhere.

    What would that be ? honestly asking ?



    Anyway ...

    I really hope you wont find a way to put this Intel gen , into the single core and dual core categories.

    On the other hand , why not ?

    Lets trash those rare L3014 Xeons , those good cold samples of Semprons and also the legendary duals like E8600


    Sorry Alby , sorry for being sarcastic , but i cant go along with you (meaning the hwbot) on this one.






    • Thanks 1
  2. @Leeghoofd

    The latest rule version for this bench




    AIDA64 Extreme version: 6.33.5749 beta (Aug 6, 2021)

    The link downloads version 6.33.5741  !!!


    ... and there is no version 6.33.5749 beta , at the official site.


    Regular version is 6.33.5700

    Beta version is 6.33.5772


    I understand this is considered as beta bench for hwbot

    But ... What do we use ??


  3. On 10/4/2021 at 9:01 AM, TerraRaptor said:

    I hope you are cpu limited right now, I'd go with 800mhz fsb cpu and bsel if needed (shouldn't be required though).

    I tested with an 800fsb , 2.4Ghz Northwood.

    It booted at 12x100fsb

    With 3:4 mem divider , i can bios boot up to 158fsb and raise max 161 within windows (that's 215 mem)

    With 1:1 mem divider , i can bios boot up to 166fsb and raise max 211 within windows



    The board seems to have somekind of watch dog active and whenever it passes certain oc values , it resets to default.

    Next weekend i will test different bios versions.


  4. 1 hour ago, TerraRaptor said:

    I hope you are cpu limited right now, I'd go with 800mhz fsb cpu and bsel if needed (shouldn't be required though).


    That result was the final (with that cpu).

    Next weekend i'm going to test an 800 fsb cpu (not need for bsel) it will boot at 100 ... and i need to find some suitable hardware for vga and hard disk (i had problems with this Maxtor i used).

  5. Well , yes

    It was a tough and time consuming effort.

    Nothing worked normally from the start.


    The board was dropping the cpu multiplier in random timing during benchmark , although any related option was disabled in bios.

    It was reading high temps from idle although my heatsink contact was perfect. 

    I did over 30 attempts for that one valid result !!!

    It also kept loosing the dual channel ram option whenever it wanted.

    Northbridge and vrm's were both veeery hot , so i had to put a Delta fan over them.


    It booted win10 with normal multi only 1 in 10 times

    There were times that it would boot at 4.0Ghz but the performance was terrible.

    Most of the time i was using a windows app to dial clocks.



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