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Posts posted by TASOS

  1. On 5/6/2020 at 9:54 AM, str8_an94baller said:

    When installed with Zen 2 CPU (3900X) the C6 Hero has some sort of logic in the bios that hides/disables eCLK mode. This board had dual BLCK as the marketing push for an overclocking board.

    What exactly do you mean by this ?

    Which bios version are you using ?


  2. 45 minutes ago, alexmaj467 said:

    There is such a BIOS. But it's not 520 MHz

    Can the PCB (product) version be different?

    Тайминги памяти сравни обязательно.и сколько мегабайт я не знаю. Если Max1024 качал с китайского сайта то этот от туда же и ни чем от его не отличается.

    GV-N595U-GT_f1.zip 300.7 kB · 0 downloads

    That is why i asked him

    Cause the bios i have is also 475 core.

    *The only difference with yours , is the bios date (mine is 11/13/2003).

  3. 9 hours ago, Leeghoofd said:

    but the device id stays the same as in this case the device ID is still for a 6800 AGP

    Yes it does , i agree.

    My reply to @cbjaust was to explain why a plain 6800 would show with all ROP's-Shaders-Vertex units enabled.

  4. 32 minutes ago, cbjaust said:

    I can't be a 6800 (even though the ASUS card linked has the right base clocks and vram type for the score in question) because the card in the entry as per the gpu-z in the sreenshot is a 16:16:6:16 (rops:tmu:vertex:pixel) core with 350/500 base clocks. This matches the 6800 GT only. The NV40 6800 has a 12:12:5:12 core set up.

    Keep into consideration that

    Almost all vanilla and other type of 6800's partial unlock or full unlock , with rivatuner or bios flash.


  5. 3 hours ago, sale_quiche said:

    Bien vu... Mais j'avoue que je ne suis pas prêt à mettre 225 euros dedans non plus (prix auquel elle semble s'être vendue)

    Après, si ce sont les prix du marché, suis un peu dépassé lol

    That is indeed (and more) the price range of a GTX 480 Lightning.

    44 minutes ago, Radi said:

    les gtx 480 ref coute rien . celle ci la lightning je la cherche aussi depuis longtemps c'est la 1ere fois en au moins 4 ans que j'en vois une passer 


    c'est au moins aussi rare que la 780ti lightning moa 

    Yes it is a very rare card

    But it looks like , you were not looking that hard , because i recently sold one of my cards in here.


  6. 7 hours ago, unityofsaints said:

    I recently came across a ASUS "Black Pearl", is it just a collector's item or is it actually benching relevant?

    Nothing special , it was a marketing product. (kind of collector's item).

    Companies back then , used to offer "special edition" products from time to time.

    Abit had the "Casper" , Asus had the "Black Pearl" , Aopen had the "Millenium edition" , and so on.

    Dont expect to have any performance gain compared to a regular CUSL2

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