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Everything posted by TASOS

  1. When i type "6800 GT" , it shows me the options of GT's and GTO. But ... Shouldnt it be more correct , when typing "6800" to show you all the related entries ??? It seems like having a 10 entry limiter
  2. For some strange reason , when i go to submit an 6800 related score , i dont see any other categories than these (look at the photo) That's why i wrote to Mr.Scott "At the same category , along with the 6800 GT's and ULTRA's ???" Uploaded with ImageShack.us Am i doing something wrong , or is it somekind of problem others might have also ? P.S. By the way a deticated moderator should check the hole 6800 category cause i see soft-modded and bios modded cards @ 16 pixel / 6 Vertex ... all over the place.
  3. There seems to be something wrong with 1.63 version of cpu-z. The first time (only) i open it , i get an error. ... and i'm not the only one. http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2301793 Any ideas ?
  4. At the same category , along with the 6800 GT's and ULTRA's ???
  5. Which one is the proper category to submit results for a Plain (NV40) 6800 AGP 128MB ??? http://www.gpureview.com/GeForce-6800-AGP-card-178.html
  6. Older versions of hwbot , had that (direct link to cups and medal) feature available and it was very usefull. It would be nice to see it implemented again.
  7. That was ... Hurricane Vince. Top submissions in every category. :celebration:
  8. Trixx 4.6 is out .... at last !!! http://www.sapphiretech.com/archive/drivers/TRIXX_installer_634959254654310003.exe
  9. *Drivers for that multi front panel with the card reader.
  10. Hi everybody I have a working Chaintech Zenith ZNF3-150. I'm looking for the manual,latest bios,utilities and latest drivers possible. Thanks
  11. Thanks for the info Jarnis 3DMARK looks good and runs smooth , no problems here. Good info,nice graph. You have done a very good job !!! I see this as the best 3DMARK ever.
  12. I am trying to edit a mem result , the field about IC type (batch) and i cant. Whatever i write in that field , just doesnt count. It always pop's up the original entry. http://hwbot.org/submission/2349848_tasos_memory_clock_ddr3_sdram_1410.5_mhz
  13. The latest versions ... still ... dont support those Tahiti cards Asus GPU Tweak MSI AB 2.3.1 ......
  14. This mem looks nice. Nothing fancy and sure not quick enough for benching. I'm testing some subtimings , cause i believe there's a little more headroom (just for max validation purposes).
  15. Voltage control (above utilities) is not functioning for these specific cards (7870 with tahiti core).
  16. Hi evebody Any news about voltage control software on these 7870 tahiti core cards ? Any newer version than these ? Trixx 4.4b Asus GPU Tweak PowerUp Tuner 0.2.1 MSI AB 2.3.0. // I saw Trixx 4.6.0 on hardwareheaven's review , does anybody have it ?
  17. Can you please add the HD-7870 Tahiti_LE edition cards Such us : Club 3D HD 7870 jokerCard VTX3D HD 7870 Black PowerColor PCS+ HD 7870 Myst Edition Sapphire HD 7870 XT with Boost Thank you.
  18. Very interesting. That's good to know.
  19. Congrats everybody !!! Very Well Done !!! :nana::banana::celebration::banana::nana:
  20. The current version of cpuz needs an update for Sandy Bridge G645 CPU. It reports the cpu as G850. Very similar cpu's though. Compare http://ark.intel.com/compare/69116,53491 G645 http://ark.intel.com/products/69116/Intel-Pentium-Processor-G645-3M-Cache-2_90-GHz G850 http://ark.intel.com/products/53491/Intel-Pentium-Processor-G850-%283M-Cache-2_90-GHz%29 If someone has direct access to cpuz dev.team , pass the info.
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