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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Unfortunately no you need to run again with the correct desktop background for the competition.
  2. He's probably just set it to 1.55v and it's overshot the voltage slightly.
  3. You should do something about that there GPU temperature son.
  4. Ahh thanks dude, it's not showing on the drop down menu of the main site which is why I missed it
  5. Was there a planned start date for the comp at all? I can't see it in the thread but just curious to know really.
  6. or simply just allow it in since it's more of a tester competition and nothing overly serious.
  7. Honestly people need to get a damn grip and stop trying to get a backhanded advantage over their competitors. We all know that "processor not recognized" or other means bugger all to the score so stop trying to take out higher ranked competitors because of this. This sort of pointless bickering is what's ruining an otherwise great website and community. If you guys want this site to continue I suggest you either shape up or take the time to do the work yourself to keep it going.
  8. Awesome score dude, forcing me to bench and everything.
  9. you must be new around these parts.
  10. This has been known about for a while now guys
  11. the very very best do 5.6-5.8 on air, this seems super improbable
  12. The link you provided says literally the same thing as we did
  13. Fairly certain the 2-3-2-6 sticks were CH-5 from memory but I could be wrong on that. So not far off.
  14. I have tonnes of TCCD that I have been testing recently to sell, will send you a list either tonight or tomorrow evening depending on when I have access to my PC.
  15. Appreciate this Alby, anything to not spend more time with the family and racist grandparents over christmas is a bonus for me.
  16. I suppose it doesn't really make a difference if the number of IC's is the same, you have the same theoretical data throughput with number of chips and clocks etc.Maybe there is a slight difference in latency but I'm not so sure.
  17. Initial loops would be really quick but then the final few would never end.
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