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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. I'm pretty sure Luumi will be back with something very soon, if not a sandbag then a fresh result for sure
  2. Yup result would probably be a lot better with hypers, was having issues at the start of the bench session and I wasn't sure if it was Ram or NB related. Since my Hyper kit is really new to me and I've done very little testing on it, I decided to switch to a tried and tested kit to eliminate any doubt I had. I'll be switching back to Hypers for the next run as well as using a new OS and actually optimising my runs instead of just pressing start
  3. Thanks for the kind words guys The trick to this benchmark is to break the OS so bad it doesn't know which CPU it is anymore.
  4. @richba5tard thanks so much for getting this done, I don't think people thank you enough when you take the time to get these small fixes done
  5. Money wasn't taken no since I never even got the details to send the payment too.
  6. Just to keep everyone up to date, the seller has not been online since the 16th of October so I suppose the sale is no longer going through?
  7. Well no it's not because Fermi is 400/500, Kepler 600/700 etc etc
  8. This would probably make it very interesting for the 775 socket as multiple different CPU's suddenly become viable...
  9. hmm, maybe I'm mixing wPrime and Super Pi up, I remember I tried to run a really slow score for a comp once and it would throw up an error after 24 hours, there is a very good chance it was wPrime then.
  10. Yeah that's completely fine Again it's a real tough situation for the guys with only 3 members etc, I just see this as being a way that people could easily manipulate their leaderboard rankings by only submitting a score in each "DDR catagory" without them really contributing to the final score. They would still get the full points for the stage and overall win. I do want to reiterate that this conversation was never meant to be against yourself, Tagg or anyone else that might have moved before or during the comp, it was just a thought I had about potential points manipulation is all.
  11. Sure so kinda have it like they do in football, if you switch after the cup has started then you can only contribute to the league and not the Cups. Or just set some kind of transfer deadline and ban. So two weeks before the comp starts being the transfer deadline and you can't switch again thereafter for another couple of months or something. Or if we want to go real football style, reopen the transfer window in January?
  12. @Casanova You can't run super Pi for more than 24 hours or it will throw up an error, so I don't think you'll be able to complete a run
  13. It is a very fair point, I'm not sure what the solution to that is.
  14. I honestly believe that in the future, team switching just for the team cup should really be disallowed, this isn't anything to do with the result of our team in the cup but just an observation I made during the comp. If you join a team just for the comp and leave immediately after then you never really were part of the team. There should be some kind of cut off point before and after the comp. I understand this could still easily be abused but it would help keep it more of a true "team" experience.
  15. Limited to means maximum speed is 6GHz so yes 5GHz is fine
  16. You need to be using the 4600CL19 ram, read the thread I linked.
  17. it's a bug and I'm not sure when it started happening but I've seen a lot of examples recently. I normally just go into the benchmark results for that hardware and force recalculation. Normally fixes it right up.
  18. Free bump to you too, prices are great, I would get some if I didn't have 100s left to test myself
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