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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. This is a week for amazing AM3 scores it seems, many congrats!!! :D
  2. @Leeghoofd Can we start today, my LN2 just turned up
  3. I mean it's some achievement beating Chew. Many congrats dude!
  4. Well then report the results as they are all invalid, the moderators are part time volunteers and do not have the time or resources to go through all results and rely on the report funcionality to find invalid results. The windows 8 and 10 issue is something which unfortunately is out of our hands as clearly motherboard manufacturers will not change their designs simply to allow benching on these operating systems as it's not financially viable for them to worry about something as minor as that.
  5. Allowed operating systems : All Windows based released before Windows 8 See when windows 8/10 can be used here : https://hwbotnews.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/windows8-81-10.png Leeg was right to block the score if you used 8 or 10, if you would have read the rules yourself you would have known this. Have a nice day.
  6. @Leeghoofd any chance of opening up the Bloomfield stage to include 45nm Xeon CPUs? Makes binning slightly cheaper
  7. Thanks for the replies guys, really appreciate it. @Gigelz unfortunately I tried that and no luck, even tried a PCI card too and that didn't work. @ground1556 could you send me that datasheet dude? Would definitely come in useful in the future
  8. Got a board here that hangs on 37 or VGA Initialization on the ROG poster. Am I right in thinking that the PCI-E was handled by the SB on these boards and hence that's probably my problem em area.
  9. Ok fantastic, thanks Alby, time to get planning then
  10. @Leeghoofd do we have a rough time frame for the competition so that I can start arranging a bench meet with my fellow countrymen?
  11. " Superpi 32M LGA775 - 7x multiplier (5 scores ) " Now that is a very interesting idea, I like it.
  12. Need a picture of the CPU's with you username and date on them sir
  13. The CPU-Z links to a 3.5GHz score which makes the submission invalid.
  14. On a P43 Twins though that's mighty impressive.
  15. I think the problem really only lies in allowing AMD in memory frequency results though right? Because ofc you will have skewed data for benchmarks, but the overall score doesn't change and that's the most important thing. At the end of the day we never banned X48 when it reported incorrect ram speeds and it's been doing that since it's inception on certain dividers.
  16. to make things quicker with E2180s you can bin for FSB also. You're going to want to make sure they boot at least 450FSB if you plan on taking them on LN2 at any time. So if you set a profile for 450fsb boot and you don't power down on the wall, you can keep switching CPUs quickly to find those that boot at that FSB and those that don't, then do the slower volts/Core clock testing afterwards on those that passed the initial test.
  17. As above, I have many spares which would be good enough for top 2 or 3s of some CPUs but would obviously want to keep the very best for myself. So it depends what you're after really. 1st places or just a good points haul.
  18. I'll happily send over my binning excel sheets to you when I can find my laptop with them on. (do not let your siblings borrow your expensive shit)....
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