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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Don't get me wrong guys, I would love to see a system that's better for overall fair/cheaper OC fun. But I don't believe a complete reshuffle of the ranking system like the ones mentioned is the way forward. Also with reagrds to the Higher catagory not necesserily giving a lot of points, you have to remember that older cards like the original titan and a few other super high cost cards will make it in there. Also then do we decide that we will seperate kingpin cards from base models since their price is significantly higher. Please don't mistake my thoughts as simply bashing others ideas to keep the status quo, I just want a fully thought out and easy to understand system that will work in the long term so we're not constantly forced to update the system every 5 or so years. I absolutely appreciate that you guys are trying to come up with ideas to improve on what we have but I don't see anything here thus far which I believe we can advance on to make into the next platform.
  2. Why the hell did I ever post anything, just killed a damn CPU on phase..... Sods law..
  3. not sure how this fixes the issue at hand honestly. Lets take the last generation of cards as an example, the 980 and 970 would most probably be in the same price category as the 980Ti since their prices were slightly inflated due to them being the fastest products on offer at the time. Then Titan X comes along, is realised for a stupid price. Is in it's own category, great. But then 980TI is released and is in the same category as the 980 and 970 no doubt so the bitching will probably start all over again as those with money can capitalise on the easy points with the Titan X being in its own category and the 980Ti dominating its category easily. TL:DR This doesn't seem like a solution but more of a hornets nest to a whole new era of "money wins in overclocking" since your rich OC'ers will LN2 everything, bench all of the new GPU categories with their golden CPUs so the little guy can't even get close anyway. I think we just need to accept that with the way Nvidia release their products there will be a 2 month period where H20 will compete with LN2 until they release their top "Ti" card. Also if we want to split AMD and Nvidia apart then we might as well do it on the CPU side too. I think people have decent ideas but are not really thinking them fully through here. Yes what we have is not perfect, but that is simply because AMD are not competitive right now. Most of the issues we have with leaderboard rankings etc all come down to the fact that Nvidia and Intel have a near monopoly in their respective areas so the price of the products are obscene now.
  4. Some of us here are students and have never had that kind of money in their bank account for years
  5. The first CPU I lost was a 6700K that I killed by delidding, am yet to fully kill a CPU during an LN2 session, really lucky in that regard, or maybe I just don't push hard enough........
  6. That is the single most british reaction I have ever seen to a loud bang ever
  7. Was going to ask the same thing, over half the subs have vanished.
  8. Happy Birthday CN pls don't ban me
  9. OC eSports That round, rules meant to be use different cpu or gpu?
  10. It can also vary per platform too, like every 32bit benchmark on 775 is better on XP and 64bit on win 7.
  11. Have you seen how many subs I have + those in comps will bug out now I'm sure. NVM, I have work to do then
  12. Pls don't get into 775 now, it was the only socket I felt confident in still
  13. Tried PJ already but got no reply, renable and recalculation didn't work for me for some reason, I believe TMMD had the same issue when testing his a few months ago. Will PM CN, thanks anyway
  14. I'll take the rex, need one for spares PM me with the deets when you get the time.
  15. Need help with getting my points back, removed points at the start of the year as I did not intend on benching competitively again for a couple of years but situations have since changed and I would like to have my points repaired please.
  16. Stopped other hobbies and came back to this for a while, I am now a 2 month of the year seasonal bencher Still not buying any new kit though.
  17. This topic is interesting, but regarding the lower PLL I can't say I had similar reesults, in fact lowering PLL gave me a worse CB. It is a balancing act really, similar to x58, lower is not always better and vice versa.
  18. How did you get this working on Rex? I couldn't get the CPU to work even with a custom bios
  19. Ahh damn so it is, no worries, feel free to block. Java is the old ver 7, can't remember exactly which but most common one used.
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