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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Cheers guys! LN2 actually wasn't required in the end, had near enough the same speeds out of the system on air + / - 5 FSB, wasn't a fun time on LN2, do not recommend
  2. There is probably no SLI key in the bios since it's a dead technology now, so it will likely never work.
  3. What a take down, congrats TAGG!!! Keep pushing 775 dude!
  4. Unsure if there is a general no server hardware rule for this currently, but can we please ban Epyc for this stage too - Country Cup 2022 AMD @ HWBOT
  5. But are the lewds worth a click?
  6. Just for clarification, AM5 will be banned from this competition as it wasn't released before the start of the competition correct?
  7. Is it weird that one of my favourite things from this is the elastic bands holding the GPU Upright? xD Awesome scores though dude!
  8. No clock limitation for the final stage?
  9. Does this basically mean AM3 is unusable on higher res monitors currently? Had the same issue with AM3 recently too
  10. I really think it's time I take a trip to the opticians.........
  11. Out of curiosity, is there a list of competitors out there already?
  12. This has been a thing for years, normally when the server load is high this happens, if it doesn't sort itself out in around 24 hours you usually need to resubmit.
  13. Hmmm, I wonder if this is an Asus only thing.... Awesome job all the same :)
  14. Not sure how this even got through but please delete for me :D
  15. These are my favourite kind of results, using completely non standard hardware to set a tough to beat Gold. Many congrats dude! Love this score :)
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