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Everything posted by Antinomy

  1. Would be nice to clarify Socket 478B for the most badass of us Because there's so many flavors of 478 most do not know about besides 478(M), 478(P), 478C (479). And there are dual-cores among those exotic ones. Or I know a guy who can win a "socket 478" wPrime competition in a nutcase.
  2. I've got a backup of DFI's But only BIOS folder AFAIK. Also made the same for AOpen. Gotta start to put these together.
  3. When I first got Russian spam on HWBot about two-three years, I was surprised. Never thought they'll get me here
  4. Good going, mates! Nice to see overclockers.ua/overclockers.com.ua back in action after these years.
  5. I.nfraR.ed just smashed the competition, excellent! Stelaras - great job, everything tuned up. Thanks everyone, wouldn't be fun without you.
  6. Not a terrible one. Try lowering the temperature with better fans and/or water cooling. And try slightly more voltage.
  7. Looks like Thermaltake Volcano 7 Cu. One of the best true copper ones. TASOS, any good info on these board's revisions?
  8. Just yesterday I called ZFeSS to talk why didn't anyone do this before Nice start, congratulations!
  9. ÐдÑкий гуманоид Congratulations! I suppose you need to find a better BIOS and a Vdd mod.
  10. http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/2a99/ Added
  11. Absolutely not necessary. If you wish, you can use 478CPU+478 board and 479CPU+479 board. How about s754? need some links for the cores or you can find them? Not to mention, the mobiles work in only a small number of boards (some Sempron64 cores - in a very small number). Don't see how this one is any different.
  12. Here: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/aspire_x3950/
  13. Lame question - how do you define chilled water?
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