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Everything posted by phobosq

  1. More questions about NV: - how about Quadro vs Geforce from the same generation? - 9800 is considered different family from 8800? - 7800 and 7900 are considered the same family? G70 and G71 are quite different from each other
  2. No problem to get Z170 OCF in Poland, just ordered one, arrives tomorrow. I checked at seller's, they can have it on stock in 4-5 days.
  3. thanks
  4. Hi, how much can I ask for my 4690k 3440B487 batch, non-delidded, does 4700 4c/4t air, on phase 5400 multithread, 5500 singlethread? IMC is OK, 2700+ for PSC. I am first owner, can provide of an invoice, have the box. Didn't push it on LN2.
  5. CL12 slower than CL13/14, is it due to looser seconds/thirds?
  6. ZOMG it should be banned! patience level expert Good thing of such run is that you can go full passive, so it's not disturbing.
  7. Not that bad, considering tight thirds and TWCL = 6 on air. At least I wish mine did the same.
  8. Good job, d0minator, you dominated this round!
  9. Excellent info, thanks a lot Bullant!
  10. In fact there was no easy way out if PC was a goal I do now, but for last year I used the other ones () and they worked just fine, I swapped them only when going subzero due to limited mounting space. And my small board is also wounded, I think I need to clean up the CPU socket.
  11. Out of curiosity - which RAM slots do you guys use, did you see a difference between yellow and black ones?
  12. I knew what to do SS on CPU and LN2 on memory, I lack stable OC platform since my Z97 OCF broke, so I didn't even bother.
  13. I had Sapphire R5 230, but it was different in layout than http://www.overclock.net/t/1029715/sapphire-hd6450-gddr3-512mb-voltmods. I found pencil mod but it did nothing for me - raising vgpu from default 0.95 to 1.1 gave absolutely nothing. I might try to change the cooling but I didn't feel like messing with it.
  14. OMG that mess in cables good push with SS on VGA, though, any volt mods?
  15. I had 1800@1.4 and 1850 @1.45. CPU is not so great, maxes out around 5400 on SS.
  16. Pi32M and Cinebench 15, both XP and 7. I haven't tried XTU above 4500 yet.
  17. How much does it need for 1800? Maybe I need to rebench mine and pump the volts into IGP till it catches fire.
  18. Back with 3404C573 - 4700 with 1.33 @air, a potato, but not so hot, will check it on SS anyway.
  19. Great score, what else can this CPU do (mostly interested in single-thread under LN2 and max @air)? Besides, what's the batch?
  20. QuickFast is pwning the competition
  21. Sorry for digging that up, but I have the same combo, Z87X-OC + G3258, bios F9c, had the same situation with cpu multi, but I also found that I am unable to stabilize my PSC at 2600 and 2666 dividers. The whole computer boots and enters into XP, but 1M is the most I can make, regardless of voltage. I tried using RAM profiles, as well as I tried to configure it manually using a screen dump I took on AsRock Z97 OCF, but it's still no go. What I found is that regardless of what BIOS settings (I tried manual and auto from both profiles) tWR is always set to 8 and I believe it's too tight for me. Unfortunately I don't have any screens with me, I'll add them later this week. 2400C8 works without issues with PSC, 2600 and 2666 work with Samsung and Hynix as well.
  22. My first LN2 mem test at home - starring Z97M OCF and A-Data XPG 2000+: No stable TRCD 11, I also couldn't stabilize 1333 multiplier although they did 2720C7 on dice previously. Mem full pot, -135 @2.15. I need to improve insulation Time to pick next candidates for freezing:
  23. Air or cold?
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