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Everything posted by phobosq

  1. Thanks I had last 6 liters of LN2 so it had to be quick and no LN2 on GPU
  2. Does it mean I have to connect my bench platform to network to submit results? I don't like this idea.
  3. Michal, thanks for all advice anyway I have to rebench due to IMC fail
  4. Or "One... more... turn..." for getting 742 in XTU 2c
  5. I did, although I don't think I am able to do it again. Manual rtl/iol setting helped me to boot 1t.
  6. Thanks, guys, couldn't make it without your help! I'll click just a bit more, maybe 743 is at hand
  7. George, I played with 10x64 and had result distribution like 50:45:5 (739:740:741), after switching to 10x86 it changed to 10:40:50. It seems like x86 is 1 point faster in XTU. Coming back to my mems, @websmile ran them 2000 1T on Asus easy, 1933 waza, so I believe they are capable.
  8. Guys, I got my first B-die in my hands and I'm trying to 742 in xtu 2c but I can't run CR 1T on my OCF with dividers 3600 and above. Mems are capable of 2000 12-12, even 12-11, and they do it very tight, but I am forced to go 2T. Any hints? I tried bioses 1.92, 1.93a and 2.03. What happens is during memory training it goes from 40 to 00->19->00->19->00 and safe boot triggers. I tried raising vccsa and vccio, I ran them on auto, raised PCH to 1.1, but still no success.
  9. Thanks, my clicking finger sores from doing "Run benchmark" over and over again. I propose we make it an achievement at bot to reward patience of those who achieved 742 on 6320
  10. One... more... point...
  11. ja pierdole Michal, cos ty narobił?! Good job XA, your streak continues, keep pushing hard! Sam's comment pwns
  12. Yes, in official news - http://oc-esports.io/#!/article/3449/dancop_wins_rog_oc_showdown_extreme_series_round_3
  13. Together with Blu3 we played with the same laptop for a moment last weekend on IEM, made a quick 1276 XTU at 4000, but there were lots of other people at Asus stand so we couldn't go to great lengths pushing it. We were impressed by its performance, but I think it's not really affordable, even if we split the cost.
  14. Dibs on 3 and 5, just share some more details on the mems (SS with vmem info please).
  15. No i3/Pentium allowed for max mem clock?
  16. IMHO it'd be easier to use bginfo to put this info on the desktop background.
  17. Wasn't that Sam?
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