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Everything posted by phobosq

  1. Nice what model of Crucial is it and what volts did you use?
  2. Me 2, killed g3258 with a razor, don't want to delid 4690k. No Vietnam batches in Poland, at least I didn't meet any.
  3. Dude, that chip is so strong, take it under LN2
  4. Only the Teams left, I am willing to let them all go for 75 euro + shipping.
  5. I just got brand new retail G3258 from 3404C573, anyone had one of those from early 2014? I thought they started from 18th week I'll post the results later, maybe tomorrow.
  6. To be precise, it's not R9 Fury Nano, but R9 Nano.
  7. Ygpm regarding one more
  8. Got the mems, all great, quick test was 2600 tight 1.85 on Z97M OCF and they work fine. Thanks!
  9. Do Haswell and Devil Canyon also suffer from this?
  10. And there's already a board from Asus that supports DDR3: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132572&cm_re=z170p-d3-_-13-132-572-_-Product Probably low end for Skylake, but it would be interesting how it clocks DDR3 and what is real difference between DDR3 and DDR4
  11. Good job hope that retail chips can be as good as ES
  12. I'll take the Pi.
  13. I was so proud of it and that's how you dealt with it: Anyway, yes, 3:5 is bugged on 775, and safe dividers for DDR2 are 1:1, 1:2 and 2:3. I don't know about DDR3 on 775 because most of the time I use 1:2
  14. I have a random kit of Perfect Storm 2000C9, this is BBSE (I checked) and it does 850 6-6-6 or 950 6-7-6 with something around 1.7V on X58. For identifying sticks by S/N check this thread - http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?283666-Figuring-out-G-Skill-s-SNs.
  15. Friends, help me with them, I am open to negotiations. So far only 1 kit of Crucials is gone. If you want some tests, let me know.
  16. Is subzero on memory allowed? rules don't say it.
  17. So basically what you want is to make OC like chess or bridge - there are live streams of chess/bridge tournaments, but without commentary it's not that entertaining, even to enthusiasts. I think I understand your points - Massman asks "can we make it more popular", JunkDogg makes comparison to athletics and der8auer replies from his experience of doing 4-way LN2. But maybe that's the point - if the community started breaking the records live, then it would move OC closer to sport and gain additional attention? I remember there's was a bunch of guys in Georgia a year or so ago, that took Cedar Mill celly to university and did 8G+ on LN2. I think that's the spirit of live OC we're looking for.
  18. Care to share? I know it depends on a lot of factors and I am pretty OK with my air settings for PSC of +0.1/+0.1/+0.15 (+0.2/+0.2/+0.25 on phase), but I'm completely in the dark with Sammies, at least with G3258.
  19. I saw that happen after I updated BIOS on Z97 OCF to 1.30, on 1.10 the clock reading in CPU-Z was stable, on 1.30 it fluctuated -5/+5 MHz from setting in BIOS. Anyway I don't argue with the rules, but it was also a point of concern for me.
  20. I can test, any special wishes (which kit/what mobo/voltage/frequency). At least I recall that Crucials did ~550 CL4 with 2.2.
  21. I have about 10 sticks of Ballistix 667C3, on DFI P35/Asus X38 they do up to 400-420 CL3 with 2.2 easy, but I fear that 2.1 on ASRock VSTA is like <2.0 on one of those above and 400 CL3 is difficult. @trodas - I see that you're quoting my offer of Team 800 C3 I still have them, although I only tested them on Gigabyte EP45-UD3R, which has this unique ability of running mems like no other board. Besides, those Teams are binned for 800 CL3-3-3-8 @2.3V.
  22. I used DI for RAM and CPU on Z97 OCF, I have kneaded eraser around socket covered with paper towel, armaflex and some more towels. For RAM I cover unused slots with electric tape and put paper towels everywhere around EK modules and pot, I never got moisture in 24-pin with that, but I believe that for LN2 it might not be enough.
  23. What do you consider as good cold scaling for Haswell? I had a few G3258 and a 4690K, and I saw 200-400 MHz increase in max frequency with the same voltage when going from air to SS. I tried DI, but it didn't give anything probably due to TIM. Questions: 1. 400 increase from air to SS - good or not enough? 2. How does it look with i5/i7? 3. What more can I gain doing LN2, is it proportional to temp drop? 4. How does delidding impact cold scaling? To be more precise - I measure "increase" in a following way: first do SuperPi 32M at maximum stable settings on air (for example 4800 1.4 vcore), then change to phase, go up with frequency without changing volts and keep running 32M until it fails. Then it's just subtracting one number from another.
  24. Thank you all for great competition, it was a lot of fun, and next time I will start preparing earlier than a week before end.
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