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Everything posted by phobosq

  1. Good competition, looking forward to next one
  2. Sick volts, CPU survived? good efficiency though
  3. @Bullant - where can I find BIOSes you mentioned, official Z97 OCF page hosts only 1.10 and 1.30
  4. Lucky me I think it's going to be tough to put something more out of my hot potato, while you still have the room to freeze yours keep pushing!
  5. That's one hell of a CPU anyway, keep pushing past this 6G mark.
  6. Maybe BIOS update will help you
  7. Same here, conversion rate to PLN is also killing, but great to have the opportunity anyway.
  8. OK, I'll try ;P pwning Christian Ney - priceless
  9. Thx dude, hope I can still improve it a bit
  10. Had the same. 1.4V @air was 60 idle, dropping temp 100 degrees down gave like 500 MHz, but your chip seems one bin better. Try it on LN2, it should easily reach 6G if it scales.
  11. U found beer in the fridge? I played with DDR2 today - http://hwbot.org/submission/2799734_phobosq_memory_clock_ddr2_sdram_813.1_mhz
  12. I also had this couple of times - suddenly board refuses to boot with settings that worked previously, even conservative ones like 2400@1.85 or 2200@1.75, so I think "wtf? degradation?" and then few restarts later there is a double reboot, and things are working again. Had this with both 3258 and 4690k + PSC as well as 4690k and Hyper/BBSE, CPU @air/SS. No issue for me as there seems to be no permanent damage, but it's definitely a setback, yet nothing compared to what I went through with various DFI boards in the past. Perhaps solar flashes
  13. I have two pairs of Hypers, one XPG 2200+ and Dominators 1866 CL8 and while they perform similarly on X58 (1000 CL6 easy w/1.7V, 1100 CL7 w/1.75 IIRC), A-Datas also are very good on 775 (1000 CL6 @ P5E3 Premium), while Corsairs refuse to boot there at all. I suspect SPD, but didn't really wonder much about it.
  14. Thought you sold the BBSE....
  15. Great result, did you try it on cold?
  16. What can it do @air?
  17. that's a generous offer from you anyway, I'd consider if I was in the US, otherwise too many sticky hands on the way
  18. Interested, PM sent.
  19. I'm also interested, gathered some old stuff and looking for incentive to put it to bench.
  20. I tried to run D9GTR today (CSX Diablo 2000) with no luck - I was able only to run them as DDR3-1333 using one of the XMP profiles but the timings were terrible. I guess it makes no sense running D9GTR on Haswell
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