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Everything posted by phobosq

  1. phobosq

    OCZ DDR Booster

    I suspect fried vdimm regulator
  2. phobosq

    OCZ DDR Booster

    As I play a lot with DDR, I would need OCZ DDR Booster. PM me with offers, please (preferrably EU people).
  3. Bad luck, if I saw it two days ago, I'd take a CPU together with mems and save on p&p. Free bump from me
  4. You don't have a phone? keep pushing!
  5. PM sent about Ripjaws.
  6. Dibs on Venus, PM sent to OP.
  7. On top of the page and in "Stage details" for stage 2 (DDR max clock) it's 6 days or 31 August, but the big counter on the right says 29 days. This round is no different and last till the end of September, right?
  8. Mine!
  9. YGPM about DFI, still on sale?
  10. Nice score, how much did you gain from freezing the stick?
  11. Ludek, take a look at this - http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=8542&page=2, there was already a discussion at bot 4 years ago Install NT4 and start benching you can even use 95 and original super pi, but then you'll lose whole second
  12. Similar here, max volts for my Adatas is 3.2, more prevents them from going 410
  13. bad luck; time for freezing/baking? what voltage was required for 418?
  14. Good score, keep pushing! What voltage did you use?
  15. I used SanDiego 4000+, crappy IMC, switching to Venice 3000+ and will retry.
  16. Keep pushing, with 3.3V you should go over 400!
  17. I think it's already sold, it was on ebay a week ago and ended quickly
  18. I spotted http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DFI-Lanparty-JR-X58-T3H6-LGA-1366-microATX-Motherboard-in-Retail-Box-Intel-X58-/121359145046?&_trksid=p2056016.m2518.l4276, but it's 209 USD + another 60 shipping.
  19. Thanks, Mr.Scott, that's what I was looking for.
  20. That's a nice collection you have:) do you happen to have Merlin's BIOSes as well?
  21. Care to share the BIOSes? I am looking for modded BIOSes by Merlin, Hellfire and tictac for DFI LP NF2 - had some of them on old PC, but it got lost over the years.
  22. Does the validation have to have a date after June 1? I have some results from beginning of the year that never have been posted before that might be useful. I'm asking since there is no condition "Validation date must be later than dd/mm/yyyy" like it was for example in Abit RIP competition.
  23. I can't believe no one thought before about running TCCD asynchronously on nforce2 nice result, anyway
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