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Everything posted by macsbeach98

  1. I already thought of part of the render being covered when I ran it Benchmate doesnt work when DSR factors are initiated it opens okay you click on Cinebench everything looks good you start Cinebench and Benchmate closes without DSR factors everything works properly. I am sure some of the others have found the same thing too. I have tried to have as much of the render as visable as I can just the Benchmate widow covers the bottom right part of the render thats all. I say it should be left as is otherwise most of the subs are going to be deleted also if the render file was tampered with wouldnt Benchmate know.
  2. Nice work Good Show Over the years I have had 2 of these boards and never tried them the lack of 12v CPU power put me off will have to try one oneday.
  3. Ah well i got it too I will just wait it out.
  4. Gee I thought the memory was the requirement of SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4 there are only certain systems you can run with the section requirement.. I see nothing wrong with it in that regard or cant you work out what you are going to use.
  5. All looks good Alby.?
  6. I am not criticising Mat I think he is doing a fantastic job with it it is definitely needed for W8/10 I just dont see why its needed for W7 or XP when there is no problem with the RTC. Calling it Benchslow was just in jest it wasnt meant to offend sorry it has.
  7. W7 works off the RTC regardless of platform why do we need Benchslow for W7. I vote for W8/10 only for it
  8. Its a DX9 legacy benchmark do what you do with other legacy benchmarks play with inspector and the like till you figure it out thats what I do. Surely you dont expect to be spoon fed to the podium.☺️
  9. George I think you done a good job of it seeing as it was your first comp?
  10. Thanks either way it was good fun. The previous sub is only about 50 marks behind.?
  11. I buggered up there not to worry its over and I didnt win anyway.☹️
  12. Good job was that a genuine MSI card and not a Lenovo OEM card which were made by MSI? Your mem speed is good.
  13. I am not pissed off but I think rules are rules and everyone should stick to them as was posted here. Valid futuremark link usually means VALID A few dead soldiers
  14. I like a similar format to the last couple of years 8 stages 3 subs a stage for DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4 the actual benches and systems I will leave upto you lot for now. I would prefer it to start at the start of August too like last year.
  15. Its not his best 8150 sub this is its the same sub on Nitrogen.☺️ https://hwbot.org/submission/2299260_marcosdh_cpu_frequency_fx_8150_6473.53_mhz Mods this air sub needs to be deleted. Talk about flagrant disregard for rules
  16. It goes back 3 months or so what do you want to see your whole history there, just click on the submissions tab on your profile page and search in there all your subs will be there listed by bench. Its amazing the way some complain it doesnt work just the way I want.?
  17. I know for Cheap as chips the you have to have a valid futuremark link but what about Challenger does the link have to be valid or you just have to have a link LOD is OK or not?
  18. I am good at that not to worry I will run it again later.?
  19. Do the 3DMark subs still have to be valid on Futuremark as in the rules on the first page or is just a link Ok. If they have to be valid check out Ardamir's Skydiver sub.
  20. Jesus the same background from R1 was up there a couple of days ago and I even waited till the start time to run the benches just didnt recheck the background again. Oh well not to worry I couldnt upload Aqua either will have another go at that as well and see if I can work out why.
  21. Just add DDR3 to the rules that rules out LGA2011 v3.
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