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Everything posted by newlife

  1. Really? I've run 2.3v on a regular basis on air with richland and 2.4v with cold and no damage done
  2. Why do people care so much about points and you know like not caring about having fun and enjoying benching which should be the main concern. If all you care about is you should give up benching because you're quickly going to find you don't enjoy it.
  3. A bit of an unexpected overall Piledriver record with a A6 6420K with 1mb of cache and 4330mhz NB http://hwbot.org/submission/2777926_newlife_superpi___32m_a6_6420k_14min_9sec_156ms
  4. Forgot to add gpu 1.65v and mem 1.85v - heavily modded and core recaped
  5. Identify any ICs on the card and Google the numbers written on the IC also post up some hi res pics of the card front and back Edit: In future don't post this across 10 different forums but post on one and give at least 24 hours before cross posting
  6. +1 for Dice average and unfollow so can he can unfollow me lol
  7. Scarp that Gigabyte A88XN-WiFi has a bios limit of 140
  8. Do your TridentX have ICs on both side or just one because double sided 2400c9 are pretty rare in Australia at least and everyone I know with them are single sided
  9. Your only option is to get a new board because I had an A88XM-PLUS and it had limit of 155mhz despite being able to set higher and the Gigabyte A88XN-WiFi I'm using now will run higher
  10. And Gigabyte retakes the lead in Richland Cold Samsung HYK0 FTW! 14m 09.657s http://hwbot.org/submission/2721718_
  11. I only have that problem when trying to go to the normal rankings because country, team and pro OC works fine
  12. 7th and 10th overall http://hwbot.org/country/australia
  13. R.I.P 10th in the Australian extreme rankings
  14. Yes Christmas and new years
  15. 5.1ghz uncore and C9 with ddr4 looks so nice
  16. Awesome time Rob Bad time for a update lol http://hwbot.org/submission/2707711_ Also my crappy Asus A88XM-PLUS isn't in the database
  17. Thanks mate going to be trying again tomorrow and hope for 4ghz+ NB
  18. Yeah give us 2 weeks to get a new board and I'll have that beat
  19. I imagine this thread is going to need a update soon given the awesome subs from Australia
  20. Benching till the end with Samsung HYK0 cold
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