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Everything posted by Alan_Alberino

  1. Just STRIX bios for higher PL, not even a fan above GPU, around 25°C ambient when I ran it. Got 9623 some weeks ago, have to clean my GPU (since I use a open case and it get's dirty pretty quick) and test again.
  2. Z390 Dark also supported XP, think Z490 Dark also does
  3. So, we can only compete in one division, in each of 3 stages? That will be 3 competitions anually, and we have to fill 10 slots... Since manufacturer comps are dead, those 10 slots will be impossible to fill... Nice work :D
  4. When are they expected to start? No 3D? Only 1 division per user?
  5. Before they were general, it said the position between all members of your country of any league, and not the same members of your league in your country...
  6. Model: Intel Core 2 Duo T9900 'Penryn-6M' Speed: 3,066MHz (Stock) LOL
  7. Hope it's an ATX with only 2 dimms, Z170 MOCF is great but no place for multi-GPU
  8. Very nice score bro, keep pushing as always!
  9. Lot of thanks for you Splave and for Nick, great work on this... Thanks for keeping our Z170 MOCF alive
  10. So, plans are to release a new bios with bug fixes + AFD that supports coffee?
  11. This is due to lack of support of Coffee Lake in AFD, same happened with kaby at launch... If you set it on bios, it works fine?
  12. Damn, only 1 point from GFP, epic score! Hope you can push it a bit more next time
  13. This... Old versions are dead since 3.3 was launched... Except you make 3.2 mandatory (Which will leave new HW users without support), everybody will prefer to bench 3.3
  14. When you don't even need to turn on XMP to get 74GP... Nice score :)
  15. 110pts with 5200MHz 7700K, seems it's good
  16. Yep, thinking the same... Didn't want to pay U$S 350 for 115X board
  17. There are some pins covered with tape... Need to cover them?
  18. Nice, I bought der8auer DDM to avoid that problems... Hope to see what you do with that chip when you delid it
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